Alcohol is awesome. Please state your poisons. Also what can you NOT drink, and what are some of your fun/epic storys.
I was really hoping the last thread was for this purpose, but it turned out to be an anti-fun i mean anti-alcohol discussion.
my poisons-
blue moon, jagermeister, gladiators, rum
the only alcohol I can't stand is vodka, it was awesome, until 'that night' a few years back when I had wayyy too much of it and was sick for days.
My most epic story thus far.
Earlier this year I was living in an apartment across the street from a bar, me and some buddys walked over there, a couple hours in we're all feeling pretty good we decide to play some pool. The cue ball was stuck so my friend Jake picked up the table to shake it but the leg got separated somehow and when he came down split his finger open, in comes my 50 year old supervisor who's never had a DUI to take him to the hospital. He gets pulled over and sent to jail. So all that's left at the bar is me and two other friends, one friend leaves with a girl. The rest of the night consisted of me and my friend taxi driving to the hospital and the police station back and forth trying to get our friends out. Jake had to get stitches and Wang (supervisor) got released, since he never had a DUI in his 50 years they gave him negligent driving, he blew a .09, .01 over the legal limit. Good times.
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