On this note, why did the followers of the Dark Side go so far out of their way to make themselves seem like the bad guys?
I mean, for starters we have Darth Vader. Vader sounds like "invader", which just makes people pre-disposed to think that he's an ass as soon as they're introduced to him. And then the whole "Darth" thing. I mean, that sounds menacing enough already. But then you find out that "Darth" is actually a contraction of "Dark Lord of the Sith".
And it's like, really?! You know, if you want to people to not oppose you and stuff, if you don't want people blowing up your bases, then it's a good idea to not actually NAME YOURSELF as a "dark lord". I mean, isn;t that sort of just ASKING for trouble?
Then we have Darth Sidious and Darth Maul. And while he wasn't in the movies, I hear that there's also a Darth Tyrannus and a Darth Bane.
And really dude...it isn't just the Sith lords either. Look at freaking Greedo. He's a murderous thieving gangster, and his name is GREEDO. When Jabba the Hutt sends him out to make a deal with some poor ignorant sap, does it help that this guy's very NAME basically says "yes, I am going to rob you and exploit you, and dealing with me is probably going to leave you thoroughly ****ed"? Would YOU ever do business with someone whose very NAME practically says "I'm going to steal your money and then murder you"?
I don't know, man. I just think that the bad guys in the Star Wars universe are badly in need of a makeover. I don't know who they've hired as their publicist, but whoever that person is, he probably needs to get fired. And/or force choked. Whatever. But when you start naming your little circle of friends "Vader", "Sidious", "Tyrannus", "Bane", and "Maul", aren't you just sort oif ASKING for people to try to bring you down? Would you ever vote for a presidential candidate who named HIMSELF "Lord Evil Destructo III"?
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