My sisters are 5 and 9, and they have a 13 year old girl friend with a mentally challenged brother. He's not full blown retarded, they say his mother drank while pregnant with him and he has a terrible speech impediment and he repeats himself over and over, and of course, he's slow. Well, him and his sister obviously have bad hygiene habits because they smell horrible every time they come over. That adds to my aggravation. But mostly my problem is the fact that they always have to touch me. Whenever they talk to me they poke me in some way, or the girl hits me with something. They barge right in the house, raid the refrigerator, etc. I was playing Saints Row and the retarded kid tried to yank the 360 controller out of my hand "HERE LET ME SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE" only it sounded like he was choking on the back of his tongue.
So my question is this. In order to be PC, should I simply ignore this? Because it was fine for the first couple of months, and lately I've just been yelling at them and spraying Axe on them every time they walk by me. And, I mess with the retarded boy, pretending like I can't understand what he's saying which causes him to try to explain for 10 mins.
Sorry about the length of this post.
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