Graphic novels.
No, they are "comic books".
And yes, I realize that after about 1930 or so, comic books generally tended to stop being comic. Which makes "comic books" a misnomer too.
But they've been "comics" for WAY longer than you've been alive. As an example, the "DC" in DC Comics stands for "DEtective Comics". That was a LONG freaking time ago. And we still refer to these things as "comic books" regardless of if they are serious or comical. You don't walk into the graphic novel store and ask them if they have any comic books in stock, you walk into the comic book store and look for "graphic novels".
They're still comic books. Just comic books. They might be really GOOD comic books, but can we please do away with this whole "graphic novel" thing?
You don't read "graphic novels". You read comic books. Just admit it, and stop being snooty. That's like Wendy's saying that they don't sell fast food, but that they're better than fast food. Screw that. IT IS STILL FAST FOOD. Watchmen is still a comic book. Is that somehow BAD?
Really..."graphic novel" is a load of crap. That's an expression for people who think that comic books are stupid, but who want to read comic books without admitting to being stupid by reading comic books. "NO! I am NOT reading a comic book! I am reading a GRAPHIC NOVEL!"
Yeah, what the hell-ever. You're reading a comic book. Are you that insecure that you have to make up names for what you're doing? They're comic books. Why can't you admit that you like comic books? Why can't you admit that some comic books are really ****ing good?
"Yeah, I'm reading Watchmen. Yeah, it's a comic book. Yeah, I like reading comic books. And if you don't like that, you can go to hell?" How hard was that? It's comic books, you like comic books, and if someone has a problem with that, then **** 'em. Why try to make your comic-book reading more acceptable in their eyes by referring to them as "graphic novels"?
Yeah, I don't play videogames either. I engage in "intereactive media". Yeah, I don't look at porn. I "utilize autoerotic aids".
Whatever, man. Porn is porn, videogames are videogames, and comic books are freaking comic books. So can we PLEASE stop calling them "graphic novels"? IT'S A DAMN COMIC BOOK.
Anyway, am I the only one who gets the urge to punch a puppy every time someone refers to comic books as "graphic novels"?
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