Mom's sending me to anger management class. She says it'll be fun like in the movies. I told her Jack Nicholson won't be there. She couldn't think of anything to say so she just kept on driving.
See, it all started when I bought Soul Calibur IV for my PS3. I've always loved fighting games and it just adds to the fun factor that the girls in it are super hot. But the game was just ridiculously difficult. I could not, no matter how hard I tried, defeat the arcade mode with Darth Vader, and I really needed to so that I could unlock The Apprentice. I tried and tried, and finally, when I could take no more, I smashed my PS3 with a hammer and took the Soul Calibur disc, defecated on it, and then hurled it into the marsh behind my house. Done bun, can't be undone, that's what my grandmother always says, not sure what it means, but I think it applies here, at least I felt that way.
But the next day I started to feel the sting of the loss of my PlayStation. So I told mom I wanted another one and she unreasonably denied. So I went back to my room and punched my door until my fists bled. Then I kicked a hole in my wall and defecated in the hole. Then I went to sleep.
BANG! BANG! Someone was knocking on my door. I checked my alarm clock. 3:47 A.M. I get up and open the door. Its mom, in her nightgown. "What smells like ****? Its coming from in here, I think." Then she saw the blood stains on my door...and then the hole. She inches near it, then puts her nose to it. "Jeremy. You didn't." I kindly and reasonably told her that there was no alternative to my actions considering she denied me a new PS3.
The next morning mom takes me on a ride and tells me we're going to anger management. "Jeremy, this will help you. It'll be like that movie you love with Adam Sandler." I respond,"Jack Nicholson won't be there. So they won't know Jack." Mom just stared off. I started to lightly tap the glove compartment with my feet. Trying to get to open up like the Fonz opens up stuff. But it wouldn't open. I started to feel my headaches come on and my kicks got harder and harder. The glove compartment wouldn't open. I see mom from the corner of my eye, she's yelling at me or something but I can't hear her, everything was red. The next thing I know I open the glove compartment with my hand, then kick down on it as hard as I can so that it comes unhinged. I roll down my window and toss it out. I think it must of hit the car behind us because the Grand Cherokee that had been following us just veers into an 18 wheeler. The 18 wheeler jackknifes and causes a 28 car pile-up, 14 people died.
I didn't go to anger management that day, and I haven't seen my mother in 18 months. I'm at a place called LifeFocus, there's others like me here, and we talk out our problems. I don't like it.
But the point of the story and this thread is: do you guys have anger problems, how do you cope with it? Do you have a story similar to mine?
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