@airshocker said:
@lamprey263 said:
@airshocker said:
Well, since the independent autopsy showed that Michael Brown went for the officer's gun, I think I know what will happen.
Do you not think it's possible he might have stuck his hand out because the officer drew his gun on him? The wounds are consistent with both sides accounting of the events, the officers and the several witnesses. Regardless, he wasn't shot to death at the cop's window, he was shot like 30-some feet from the cop car, unarmed, and no immediate threat to the officer.
The independent autopsy is showing he was shot at close range.
Witness and police accounts have all been consistent with the fact that the first couple shots happened at close range in the initial scuffle between Mike Brown and Officer Wilson that happened through the car window, be it whatever turn of events you think transpired that resulted in those first couple shots fired from inside the vehicle. It was the rapid succession of shots fired outside and away from the vehicle that resulted in the killing. This has all been known since the story first broke and nothing has changed. This has been a consistent point from the beginning on both sides of the issue.
Mike Brown was shot multiple times after attempting to flee the confrontation that started in the window of the car, including two shots to the head, when he posed no imminent danger to Officer Wilson at that point. The wound to the hand and gun powder residue found on Mike Brown's body is consistent with both accounting of events, be it the story Mike Brown reached into the car to retrieve the gun, or that the officer initiated the scuffle by yanking him from inside the car and drew his gun and fired. The wounds to the hand isn't conclusive to either turn of events, it remains just as considerable Mike Browns injury and gun powder residue on the body could have happened just the same in both accountings.
This doesn't excuse the officers actions that he pursued Mike Brown and continued firing, whereupon the officer delivered the fatal shots.
Furthermore, that grand jury's duty isn't to convict Officer Wilson with proof beyond a reasonable doubt, it's to find if there's sufficient evidence to indict him on charges, whereupon he'd face a jury trial that can go either way. And given there were five separate eye witness accounts that are consistent with the point that Mike Brown posed no imminent danger to the officer when the killing shots were fired, I'd say that's sufficient enough to put the case before a jury. Why play stupid? The Ferguson police have shown to not care about transparency, the truth, they've withheld vital information about the incident, have no compelled Officer Wilson to give an official report or accounting of events to date, and have proactively attempted to character assassinate Mike Brown. The grand jury is showing themselves just as culpable at sweeping this under the rug and stonewalling transparency as the Ferguson police have been. The autopsy does not conclusively prove either side of events, rather it appears to compliment either of them just the same. There still exists multiple witnesses that say Mike Brown was killed by Officer Wilson while Mike Brown posed no imminent danger. So, there exists no evidence to discredit any of the witnesses accounting of events, but evidence in the autopsy that compliments both accountings; that to me speaks volumes of the grand jury's culpability and corruption of the justice system when it applies to cops.
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