I can't really recommend a ghost movie that, to me, isn't generic as hell these days.
I've found more solace in foregin splatter movies, since, even though they are little more than schlock horror fests, they manage to be incredibly intense. I saw the Devil, Martyrs and Inside come to mind.
Although I have to say I absolutely LOVED You're Next. Not very scary, but extremely clever and well done, plus the lead gives a stellar performance. It was my favorite film of 2013 (just about everything else I saw in theaters disappointed me to no end).
Oh, and if anyone suggests the Conjuring or Don't be Afraid of the Dark, avoid them. Both movies suck massive donkey ass. I don't understand how either one was well received by any critic.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, but reading an above post reminded me, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is actually really good. the acting is shitty in the beginning but by the end the movie gets to be really ridiculously intense and creepy. I was legitimately surprised at how much I liked it.
Also, the original Evil Dead and the remake are solid splatter fests. the original is better but the remake was more enjoyable than it had any right to be. For me, at least.
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