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Yes, despite being at episode 444 it never get's old. :P It's especially good at the moment with the Impel Down story.Actually yes but I'll never get tired of One Piece ever.
Years ago, shortly after Cowboy Bebop ended.DJ_Laesamurai champloo... same creators and IMO its better.
actually I never watched much anime until recently, so I am just getting into it.
Ive been watching Deathnote and Blood +
Deathnote got a little old, but I am loving Blood +...almost done with season 1
[QUOTE="DJ_Lae"]Years ago, shortly after Cowboy Bebop ended.wolverine4262samurai champloo... same creators and IMO its better. I liked Rurouni Kenshin more, but only up to the second season. :P
[QUOTE="BiancaDK"]If you had asked me the same question 2 weeks ago, i would have agreed with you wholeheartedly, TC. But as it is, I started watching anime revolving traps and incest, and now it's awesome again.Sky-
Don't tell me you started watching Kiss x Sis...
you can bet your sweet and sour ass i started watching kiss x sis :oops:Well, everything has some cheesy dialogue. Try watching the subtitled versions if you haven't.I am. Got tired of it when I was a kid and I'm now 22 as of right now. And I'm sorry to say this but my major problem with Anime is that thecharacters always look the same and all Anime shows always have cheesy dialogue.
I haven't been excited for many anime titles recently compared to the 80's, 90's and early 2000's but there are quite a few that i have enjoyed...then again there haven't been many TV shows that have excited me in recent times.
[QUOTE="Gaming-Planet"]1+1 = 2 Anime = StupidNo, though there are a lot of stupid ones out there.
Hand + Face =
It is understandable to grow out of something you like.
I don't think think anime quality has necessarily dropped, just the overall number of anime released every year has skyrocketed since the 2000's.
Around 30 new ones are starting up this spring for example.
So there is allot more sub-par ones to the quality ones. You just have to do some filtering and searching.
For example I searched IGN anime DvD review to find the jewel that was "The Third".
I just bought the complete collection today, instead of getting GOW3.:P
[QUOTE="SeraphimGoddess"][QUOTE="BiancaDK"]anime revolving trapsBiancaDKThat's all that matters. princess princess ftw. =d You might like Maria Holic and Happiness! then if you haven't already seen them. I know there's more to have come out lately, but I've fallen behind on that.
[QUOTE="BiancaDK"]Why? :o I think it's funny how perverted everyone is on that show. =PSky-
It starts off as funny, and then it turns into slight attraction. Before you know it, you will have a 2D fetish. Just ask Yandere. =P
oh well, I couldn't possibly find nor make any room to place and practice that fetish anyways, so I think i'm safe. ^,^''I mean old and some newer animes like FMA, DBZ, Deathnote, and all that are some good ones but a lot of the new ones are all about a bunch of whores and their perverted boyfriends....any thoughts?CHOASXIII
Yeah, the new ones all suck.
[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"][QUOTE="Vesica_Prime"] I agree. There's too much ecchi in anime these days. -_-Yandere
Love Comedy anime sells, just like movies.
It's mostly a fad right now, just like how sports and action manga/anime were popular 10-15 years ago. Anyways I've a fan of quite a few of them, not because of the "story" or the comedy I watch it for the character interactions.
...and i thought people had problems with Michael Bay style action. Now i don't know which is worse...or more pleasing but unnecessary.
If you had asked me the same question 2 weeks ago, i would have agreed with you wholeheartedly, TC. But as it is, I started watching anime revolving traps and incest, and now it's awesome again.BiancaDK
Explains why we hear things like "Everyone is Gay for Bridget" and "Incest is Wincest".:lol:
[QUOTE="SeraphimGoddess"]You might like Maria Holic and Happiness! then if you haven't already seen them. I know there's more to have come out lately, but I've fallen behind on that.
*clicks random related video*
One of the first tributes I've favorited off youtube in a long, long time. :lol:I used to like anime but I think I grown out of it. I mean I do sometimes play anime games like FF13 but that's about it. I don't find myself watching anime that much unless it is something that really interest me, the most recent anime I watch was Halo Legends.
Same here... I couldn't tell you a single character in AnimeI never liked anime to start with.
Needless is supposedly the next best thing. I have yet to see it though.Because I haven't found anything that can compete with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, yes.
yes, I have grown tired of it. I used to be into it, kinda. I really only bothered watching stuff on Toonami and Adult Swim, but Toonami's gone, Adult Swim's anime line-up isn't that great to me and starts too late for my liking, and any of the shows that look good to me are series I've already completely seen, so meh. Most of the new stuff looks uninteresting, many of which seem to have the main purpose of whoring out girls and being perverted and I have no motivation to look up old anime on my computer, especially considering I'm much busier in college.
It just isn't worth my time anymore, nor do I see myself ever getting into it again. I'll just stick with video games.
There hasn't been a good supply of dark animes recently. However, I found a few gems here and there.
[QUOTE="Y2Jfan23"]I don't watch any of the new crap. I only like the old ones like DBZ, Lupin, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Inuyasha. I use to watch those all the time back when Adult Swim was still good.ghoklebutterWe will probably never see anime like that again, sadly. Truth! Cowboy Bebop was so bad ass.
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