Why? What is the issue with someone being a Christian that offends you so much? You know there are radicals out there who won't vote for someone unless they are religious or who push for a radical agenda. Tell me, is there ANY difference between say a radical evangelical on TV saying don't accept people who arn't a member of thier church and a person who refuses and rejects people who are religious? There isn't. They are both mindsets that are judgmental and bigotry. Not saying you are one mind you....
Christians don't offend me, although I would like to see religion become obsolete, I don't think it should be suppressed through the public or private sphere.
I seriously doubt Obama is lying about his Christian stance, so your telling me that despite Obama coming from a religious background, going on religious work in his youth, spending many years in a church, and then prays while he's in office and hosts a Christmas party and his kids are christians. That Obama REALLY isn't and is secretly trying to give subliminal messages that he is somehow an atheist and is trying to hide it? You should write a book, you got one hell of an imagination. I would buy it.
As far as I know, Obama was raised by a nonreligious family and only became active in Wright's church when he started entering politics. Whatever the case may be, I've never heard the details of Obama's conversion, which is a very essential part of a Christian's life.
And mabey he doesn't go to church much anymore because he's busy doing you know, PRESIDENT stuff?And we don't know where Obama goes all the time anyway.
No, I think that's because he's busy playing golf on Sundays.
Obama is a CHRISTIAN. ok? I don't see why that is so hard for you to accept. Did a religious person hurt or offend you at sometime? Mabey they were hypocrites and didn't practice what they preach I don't know. But most christians arn't out to get you, a few radical ones sure, but they arn't the majority. Your an atheist and that's cool, but you shouldn't have an issue with someone being religious. If someone wishes you merry christmas or happy hanuckah you shouldn't cry about it.
Religious people have treated me with dignity. I have nothing against them. I know they aren't out to get me, as though I'm on their hit list. I'm fine with someone wishing me a "Merry Christmas". I celebrate it, for the family. Don't accuse me of crying about it.
Just get over it and move on. I don't see the issue with Obama being a christian nor would I care if he was an athiest. But your only seeing things that you want to see.
Obama has lied to the American public that he's a Christian. Whatever he practices is not Christianity. The American people deserve to know what Obama's hiding, because it could reveal the mentality of the man and it could affect the way America votes in the next election.
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