You mean the site that claimed Africans were better off under slavery because Africa was uncivilized?
Not exactly a credible source compared to the US government.
Europeans built infrastructure in Africa and it IMPROVED Africans' daily lives. Before Europeans came, they didn't have sanitation, electrictiy and they barely scraped by with food. After, Europeans gave them everything, oh and what did they do with it? They pissed it all away, apparently they love killing more than living civilized lives! Please, know your facts before calling anything uncredible.
European colonialism is probably the biggest cause for the instability in Africa today.
To suggest that Africans couldn't feed themselves before Europeans arrived is almost so stupid its comical.
I feel very sorry for something has poisoned you so completely that you hold these bigoted views about Africans and homosexuals.
LOL, please tell me what Africans, specifically sub-saharan Africans had before Europeans came!
Freedom.They still had freedom while under European rule, you're pathetic. You cannot come up with evidence that reveals progression or signs of civilizations before Europeans came.
The Ancient Egyptians didn't have civilisation before European conquest?Nor did Carthage and the Moors. They simply blundered along, somehow repeatedly invading Europe, the civilized and enlightened peoples.
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