I do not know why but I have never had luck with that teachers. My Geometry teacher in highschool did not teach at all, and just passed everyone with a low C(he gave no work either), my statistics professor would basically go to the board show us that he knew how to do the problem and then give us dirty looks when we asked for explanation(ironically I got my highest math grade in that class and had an A), my algerbra teacher would go on long complicated tangent occupying the whole white board making problems way more complicated then they needed to be.
These are just a few examples, but I always end up with the math teacher who goes to fast, to complex, or plan just does not care. I have had a few great ones, but most of the time it has been the subject where I have had to fend for myself. Even in college the pattern is repeating itself, and I have been using youtube videos to cover the material.
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