This has come up before in some gay marriage topics. Is anyone okay with same sex marriage but against incest? If so, please explain your reasoning. I personally have found nothing wrong with incest. I do not particpate in it, nor homosexuality, but I feel consenting adults should be able to be with whoever they want.
Don't believe what you see in the movies with all the deformed babies, Movieland loves to exagerrate things. An Incestuous couple has a 50% higher chance of having defects. Thats 50% higher not 50% more. That means if normal couples have a 2% chance, than an incest couple has a 3% chance. I really Do not see the big deal, there are plenty of straight couples who have 25% chance of giving defects such as Cystic fibrosis, colourblindness, sickle cell anemia, etc.
I think all consentual forms of marriage should be legal, gay lesbian, poly. (Please remember i am referring to consentual relationships, not some father taking advantage of his 12 year old daughter)
I've actually never thought about this at all, but it's quite a good argument. Logically there isn't a whole lot of difference between the two. They are both traditionally morally "deviant" positions, and until recently both were prohibited in the law.
Incest is a social taboo, and widely considered to be wrong. Homosexuality used to be exactly the same, but people now quote the argument that "consenting adults should be allowed to do what they wish behind closed doors". Indeed, this idea that the law must respect people's autonomy and right to do pretty much what they like, so long as nobody is harmed, and everyone involved consents, has taken hold in most modern legal systems.
So why is incest different to homosexuality? The default position is that incestuously produced children possess genetic defects that others do not. This is something of an exaggeration, since there is merely a higher risk, and the inbreeding must be systemic over sustained periods of time for noticeable issues to arise. For example, most royal families have engaged in a degree of interbreeding within a very small gene pool, and as a result many developed health problems and minor deformities. But the risk is still low.
Regardless, even if this argument is taken at face value, it does not prove that homosexuality is somehow BETTER than incest. To posit a theoretical deformed incestuous child ignores the possibility of homosexual couples having children, and the deep psychological issues, as well as social stigma. that may arise in that child as a direct result of having two same-sex parents. Again, I do not argue that this is likely, but the possibility is comparable to the possibility of an incestuous couple having a physically handicapped child. To argue they are not the same is to argue that risks of physical disability are somehow worse than risks of psychological disability, which is plainly wrong.
The other argument that seems to be used is that incest is "just wrong". But this suggests an objective moral standard, and it is impossible to create a universally acceptable objective moral standard. As such, it is merely a subjective moral judgement, which does not mean it should be binding on anyone else. Personal feelings as to the situation do not constitute sound argument. I can say that "I think everyone should be vegetarian", but this does not mean anyone else is bound to agree with me. To suggest that legality or illegality of action should be based on subjective opinion is extremely troubling, and must surely be false. The legal framework in this area must be based upon objective, non-moral concerns, since there are too many conflicting standpoints.
What then is the solution? I feel that I must say that there is no logical distinction to be made between homosexuality and incest in terms of their legality, and so if one is to be legalised, so must the other. I base this on the two main strands of argument to counter this position, and their seemingly untenable claims. However, I would be interested to see how people respond...
Thank you for listening. And apologies if my tone has gotten a bit too formal for an internet forum
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