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At least it makes money go around, so think of it as a donation.300,000 people just waisted there money. how sad :(
All I see is 300,000 suckers.Flame_Blade88Hahaha, I approve of this answer. I was thinking something similar.
Apple could put out a product called iOverpricePieceOfCrap for $899 and people will line up around the block to buy it.
But a PS3 for $599? No way, man, that's too expensive.
People are stupid weird.killzonexbox
To be fair, i think $600 is still to much for a gaming console, despite what's under the hood.
However, I agree wholeheartedly that Apple can make a piece of crap device and overprice it because of the name and because they've been doing for so long with many of their other products that, the consumer is like a blind sheep thinking Apple is better. Now whether that's for design, innovative use of an existing product, plain biased or for whatever reason, who knows.
for $700 i can build a powerful desktop and get a very nice laptop with better specs than this iPad crap
I would not get one for $500, but maybe $300. I think it is a really cool idea having basically all of your entertainment right there with you: Music, Movies, Games, Internet, Books. It is good that Apple is bringing all of these things into a simple to use device. And it is portable and has good battery life from what i hear. And, lets face it, the Movies, Games, Internet and Books wouldn't really work too well on a iPod Touch, so in order to make a true entertainment device they needed the bigger screen. I really don't view this as a laptop, i view it as an entertainment machine - something that is not supposed to be productive, but fun. Apple always has the easiest to use interface for their portable products, and that is why they are the popular ones - they make their machines work for the masses and make them look good too. So, other than the price, i don't think this deserves any hate.
I can only imagine how much hate people on this board would gather for a homophobic racist hyper-catholic anti-government extremist whos sitting on the bus playing brokencyde over the speaker on his brand new Ipad.FrostyPhantasm
Does the ipad even have any real advantages over a netbook or a laptop?
Seems like a useless product to me.
sigh at all the "lol 300 000 suckers" comments :roll: honestly, it really angers me when you people say these people are buying it just because of the name brand. ipad isn't for everyone and its apparent most of you gsers don't like it, but some people DO like it, and have practical ways of using it. And stop saying crap about "might as well get a netbook". Well it isn't a netbook, its apples "middle ground" between a netbook and an iphone/ipod touch.lonewolf604
I hear ya man. No one seems to understand why the iPad is so great. I haven't used one myself yet but I do have the iPad Mini and it's awesome. It's pretty much the same exact thing as an iPad except it has a smaller screen so it can fit in your pocket. It's really nifty to bring out when you're near a wi-fi hotspot so you can surf the web, check email, etc. My dad actually has an iPad Mini Plus which is the same thing too except it also doubles as a phone and has 3G capabilities which is awesome since not only is it more portable than the regular iPad but also comes packed with more features and costs less.
[QUOTE="lonewolf604"]sigh at all the "lol 300 000 suckers" comments :roll: honestly, it really angers me when you people say these people are buying it just because of the name brand. ipad isn't for everyone and its apparent most of you gsers don't like it, but some people DO like it, and have practical ways of using it. And stop saying crap about "might as well get a netbook". Well it isn't a netbook, its apples "middle ground" between a netbook and an iphone/ipod touch.gameguy6700
I hear ya man. No one seems to understand why the iPad is so great. I haven't used one myself yet but I do have the iPad Mini and it's awesome. It's pretty much the same exact thing as an iPad except it has a smaller screen so it can fit in your pocket. It's really nifty to bring out when you're near a wi-fi hotspot so you can surf the web, check email, etc. My dad actually has an iPad Mini Plus which is the same thing too except it also doubles as a phone and has 3G capabilities which is awesome since not only is it more portable than the regular iPad but also comes packed with more features and costs less.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAsigh at all the "lol 300 000 suckers" comments :roll: honestly, it really angers me when you people say these people are buying it just because of the name brand. ipad isn't for everyone and its apparent most of you gsers don't like it, but some people DO like it, and have practical ways of using it. And stop saying crap about "might as well get a netbook". Well it isn't a netbook, its apples "middle ground" between a netbook and an iphone/ipod touch.lonewolf604
I don't know enough about it to hate on it. But Is 500 dollars a bit much for something in the "middle ground"? I don't know.
I do know it cant do what my laptop can, as far as entertainment. Movies and such. And I've got 600 gigs for storage. And I have an IPhone 32gig 3g for my music.
So for now I don't think its for me. It is very slick looking.
If you already want an ebook, but want it to do other stuff, get an iPad. I don't see all the hate....
[QUOTE="JustPlainLucas"]300,000 people that should have bought netbooks....QWERTYCommanderOr even better, a notebook, which costs as much, and has flash. and usb
All I see is 300,000 suckers.Flame_Blade88Agreed and that's why we should get in on that racket. I'm sure we could invent something that the celebs and pro sports players could endorse. But for me it wouldn't be for the money, it would be so I could stair at the cattle and laugh wickedly as theyrun out to buy whateverjunk I market to them. After all salesmanship is all about convincing people they want something and it works on most. It doesn't have to be good nor practical, not even useful. All youhave to do is make them think it's great or they won't be hip if they don't have.
Even though theJoneses are chumps everyone has to keep up with them... andTHAT is why the Joneses are great, they hook every sucker and wannabe so can just reel em in.
Yeah I agree, I understand iPhone and iPod cos they fit in the pocket, I understand iMac laptops(carried in bags), but I don't understand the purpose of the in between step?The best summation of the iPad that I have heard is: "If it can't fit in your pocket, it might as well be a laptop." I still do not see the appeal of this device.
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