[QUOTE="dnuggs40"] Nobody says anyting about letting terrorism "go on as it pleases". That's a cop out. I am just not willing to give up my personal freedoms and protections in order to fight it. We should fight it the best way we can, without infringing on the citizens constitutionaly given rights.
And no, it doesn't make perfect sense, becuase you can NEVER be completely free of terrorism. It's absolutely impossible. Whether it is domestic or abroad, there is always someone willing to do something terrible. There has been terrorism in the world (and in the US) since man first started recording history.
I'm not willing to give up all my freedoms to the government either. But, the fact is the US was more free prior to 911, because there wasn't a huge threat of terrorism. Now there is a threat of terrorism and it's worldwide. So my statement stands To be free, you need to free of oppresion from terrorism. And to be free, your government can't restrict freedoms too much and become oppressive either, but I don't think that is the case as of now. Everyone has an opinion and that's what mine is. Some people in the mideast seem to believe the opposite. To be free you need to sponser terrorism and have state sponsered terrorists, and/or inact Islamic law. Of course, I disagree.
Oh, and yes you can't be 100% free of terrorism or oppression from terrorism and we certainly aren't now after 911. So you at least need to be "relatively" free from terrorism to be free.
Regardless it is COWARDLY to accept the sacrifice of our freedoms to some how feel safer. Defenders say if we pull out of Iraq the terrorist will think they are winning.. What the hell do they call of us sacrificing our rights? That they see that we are going so far because they got their message along.. Its pure bs to think we need to sacrfice any rights to combat terrorism.. Specially how selfish people are.. I guess they never realized that many of our freedoms already kill more people then 10x 9/11 in a single year.
And this logic in the end has only strained our diplomacy with the entire world to the breaking point, broke numerous international treaties from torture, to numerous weapons programs. And statistics have already shown that terrorism is getting worse. Why should I sacrifice any freedoms or agree to go upon this course of action when it has the exact oppostie effect we wanted.. Terrorism has swelled, we have shown how vunrable the United States really is with Iraq stretching us to the breaking point, we have sacrificed many soldiers lives for no real improvement or solution to a ever worsening matter. We have lost trillons of dollars in Iraq where some of the top Republicans are calling to pull out.
Hell what about Abu Gharub? They tortured possibly innocent people with no evidence of one way or the other, this is with the top brass saying they were doing a good job..
Or what about Gitmo bay, Where numerous people in there are possibly innocent yet have had no trial, or any formal committee to prove their innocence.Of course this doesn't bother the people for it because you have no way of getting in there, which is selfish and ignorance at its best.
Whats it gonna take for this to go further? Hell we had in Michigan last year 2 young men of arabic decent charged with TERRORISM.. For? Both were central michigan football players who went up north to Mackinaw on vacation, on the way they bought tons of cheap cell phones to cell at their school, as well as taking a picture of mackinaw bridge. They were charged with this evidence or lack of before the charges were finally thrown out when it made it on the News.. Why should ANY one trust our government if they are making this rediculous of claims.
In the end every one wants tyranny and violence wiped out.. But come on we can not fight terrorism conventionally. The more innocents that die directly or indirectly possibly cause the creation numerous terrorists.. In the end terrorism has worsened far more before the invasion in iraq. What cracks me up is the forced on ignorance of the government. The one libertarian running for president on the republican side was called almost a tratior for saying we have to actually listen to why these people are mad at us and remedy it.. But nope before they even let him finished they started calling him things close to traitor.
I guess few remember that we have supported every brutal dictator that has killed numerous people from Iran (we helped Shah into power), Iraq (we armed both of them covertly to kill one another) or even Saudi Arabia which we support today.. A country where 15 of the 19 hijackers were from, not to mention arguably one of the most deeply religious radical nations ran by a brutal monarch which our president is personal friends with through business.
I am all for going after AQ.. But we arn't any more.. They are coming to us which is slowing our progress (well no progress really in Iraq) to try to make it stable.. Hell now we are ARMING Sunni extremists there, the group which accounts for 95% of the attacks and deaths on the US soldiers there.. How can any one defend this? Hell the one place that AQ was heavily based in was Afghanistan, and we left there.. Now the Taliban is back and better then ever.. A organization that directly supported AQ, and yet we never even bat a eyelash to it..
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