[QUOTE="gameguy6700"] Can I get a link to a story from a reputable news source about this? Until then I'm taking this with a grain of salt. I know the administration already did something similar to this with the Military Commissions Act of 2006 but full-blown concentration camps sounds too brazen even for the Bush admin.
[QUOTE="atoria56"]That is not really a moral because the people have not learned anything. It can be a metaphor about how many of us would rather stay blind to stay comfortable.atoria56
Well, their reaction would probly differ from the reasons. i mean if a murderer was put into a concentration camp, im sure a lot of people wouldn't mind
If the guy said "concentration camp for any people doing *insert something everyone does thats illegal but everyone does it so its okay*, then there probly would have been more outrage.
Also, Bush is starting to come to an end. Its like seniors in high school, its almsot over, so lets just get this over with really quick.
Just because Bush is out of office doesn't mean all the crap he put into law doesn't stay on the books. The next president can do this as can any president in the future until the legislation expires/is repealed.
Thats the point your not going to recieve information like that from a "Reputable News Source" that is why you must research on your own.
yeah but jsut because you googled your answer doesnt mean its true. You sure he just wasnt faking it just to prove a point?
I thought thats what the point of the video was. o.o
Also, no one tolerate this. The people hate bush enough, if he were to pull this, there would be so much chaos to follow, that it wouldnt even be worth it
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