I have a huge scar thanks to a 3rd degree burn, let's leave it at that.
That really sucks, i admit and i'm sorry, but that wont hinder what you are capable of doing, unless you wanted to be a model or something... But its not looks i'm talking about anymore, i saw someone say that you got into a university, thats an amazing feat(to me, i couldnt even graduate highschool because i **** up too much), you can probablydo alot with your life that some of us cant. Ive seen a Detective on that show "The first 48" with 3rd degree burns i think over most of his body and his face, that didnt stop him from doing his job and its just proof that that doesnt matter when it really comes down to it, you can still do what you want, still become somebody regardless of what you looks like.
and Believe it or not, i dont know how bad you really are, butthere are people though admittingly ultra rare, who can look past things like damage to the skin and see whats beneath, see the beauty that lurks in ones soul.
I got rejected from 4 universities. And I wasn't expecting to get in anyways since my marks were crap.
You still got in, arent Uni's alot harder to get in than reg colleges? I know i couldnt get in worth a damn thing as i am myself. I envy your academic achievments anyways.. I wish i made something of myself when i had the chance but instead i thought "Aw cool, an easy way!" and i took all these alternative programs, fell behind than ended up dropping out not long ago before moving away. People tell me i'm smart and I dont even know how to write out a division problem lol.
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