I think that the "prophecy" that the world will end in 2012 is completely bogus and misinterpreted from the Mayans, but I think this movie looks very interesting. Based on trailers, the events look just too ridiculous, but the main reason I want to see it is for how awesome the special effects look... I also just marvel at destruction. lol
Not really. Just looks like Disaster Porn to me. Sure, I like seeing stuff getting blown up, but this is a Roland Emmerich movie. This guy doesn't make compelling movies that need disasters to benefit the story. He makes movies with the SOLE POINT of destroying things, and then fashioning a story around that.
It's really just porn for people who want to see stuff get destroyed. It's sort of tasteless, and sort of boring. Then consider that this looks like a progression of stemming from his most successful movies.
Independence Day was stupid, and did well because lots of stuff got blown up. The Day After Tomorrow was stupid, and did well because lots of stuff got destroyed. So I can picture Roland Emmerich sitting in a room with a bunch of people, discussing what to do next.
Executive: So, what do you have in mind for this movie?
Emmerich: Well, ID4 had stuff getting destroyed, and it made a lot of money. TDAT made a lot of money, and lots of stuff got destroyed in that movie too. So in this movie, I want to destroy EVERYTHING.
Executives: What's the movie called again?
Emmerich: 2012. You know, just like those conspiracy theories about the world ending in 2012. I'll Destroty Everything, AND tap into the collective nutcase fears that accompany doomsday prophesies. Remember the Y2K paranoia, and all those movies that came out about disaster happening in 2000? Same thing. Only this time, it'll be AWESOME.
Executives: You're a ****ing genius!
Anyway, I have little interest in this movie. I like seeing stuff get destroyed, but this just looks ridiculous. Granted, Emmerich has a history of doing these kinds of movies, but this looks like th most blatant and obvious piece of evidence indicating that Destroying Things is ALL this guy does. EVERYTHING gets destroyed, it happens in 2012, what more do you need?
Just feels sort of trashy.
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