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I wouldn't say I'm the most glorified kid in the hall, but I get along with and am friends with most of the kids and most of the faculty.
I love school.
Same here. I didnt feel the want or need to be the most popular kid. I had plenty of friends, and most of the popular kids were fake.. They only hang out with the kids whose parents could afford a pair of Jordan's for them everytime one came out. That wasnt my style. I wore chucks.
Any significant relationship I had from school were from my teachers that mentored me along the way. I wasnt the teacher's pet, because I dont like to suck up but I definitely stood out as a good student and the teachers and faculty saw that. This went on from elementary througout high school.
I like school. Im somewhat well known cause a lot of people know me as the really smart, funny guy who always gets into trouble.
On 1-10 Id prolly be 8 on the pop scale.
i go to a private school so it is not to hard to be popular there.dangerd0g24
All you have to do is bend over.
Wow, read the posts and so many anti social outcasts in this forum-_--tehbiggaboss-
What did you expect? lol.
I wasn't popular but I wasn't disliked. Most people just didn't pay much attention to me, but I had enough friends to make school fun... for the most part.SolidSnake35
Same here. I have a few friends and that's enough for me.
[QUOTE="SolidSnake35"]I wasn't popular but I wasn't disliked. Most people just didn't pay much attention to me, but I had enough friends to make school fun... for the most part.guitarman89
Same here. I have a few friends and that's enough for me.
Would I consider myself popular? not really. I have loads of friends from all social 'groups', but I'm not mr. alpha male
Do I like school? Not really. If there was no homework, I wouldnt mind it.
We're only allowed 6 absent days a term. (4 terms in total)
If I have no absent days in a term, I absolutely take personal days.
I'm a senior in college and some claim there is no such thing as the popular croud in college but that isn't the case, it just isn't as pronounced. As I go to a private Christian University (not a university that just slaps a denomination's name in it's title but one where you hear about Jesus all the time) the popular people are considered such because of their good deeds or they are in front of many people all the time. Those that sing in chapel are much more likely to be popular for example (chapel is required and twice a week). People are organized more odviously by major than popularity - drama majors tend to be more outspoken and are often more popular.
As for whether I am popular myself I'm not entirely certain as to how to answer. Many people know me though I've never stood in front of the school in chapel. I suppose the best answer is to say I'm middle ground.
Do I like school? Absolutely. I'm in my 4th year of college and plan to be in school at least another 4-5. ...And that's if I only get my Master's and go to school full time.
Do I miss school on purpose? Not really...
I'm not popular but i wouldn't like to be either, the popular people are sheep and are only popular up front if you over hear people you'll notice that most groups are just friendly on the surface and actully there's only a few people holding them together.
Popular people get a group unpopular people get friends.
Im the person most people are afraid of, as in people thinking I have the thoughts of lunatic. 010dragonslayer
i think i made people think that too... i did a slightly unsavory english essay just for a joke cause i wanted to be moved down, maybe it was a mistake to usse the name of the student sitting in front of me
Nope, I'm not popular, but I'm not hated (as far as I know), nor am I picked on. There are some people I talk to, everyone else...meh. that's good enough for me.
I really do not like school. I have to get out of my 7 comfortable, cozy bed at 6:00-7:00 in the morning and then go to a school where I must sit in uncomfortable plastic seats, and deal with all the "social groups", and sometimes the "rebels" who act defiant; thinking they are tough and cool, when they are really just being immature and stupid. I'm pretty much tired of it all. I can't wait to finish my senior year and go to college, where I am assuming it is alot better. :?
As much as I hate school, though, I will never skip school unless I am sick or whatever. I want to do as good as possible in school.
Good for you!
I'm not popular, but I'm not hated. I'm just friends with the people that are worth it. like band geeks.
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