I'm agnostic, and so I fall under the atheist umbrella. Why?
If you look at the whole of human history, very rarely do humans leave difficult questions unanswered for long. That's not to say that we satisfactorily answer the questions, but that instead we usually make up our own answers when the real answers are presently beyond our reach. Religious examples include everything from the Sun, to the cause of disease, the origin of lightning and thunder, conception, the tides, etc. How many events, large and small, have been mistakenly attributed to the direct influence of a supernatural being in human history? More than you or I could ever count, I’m sure.
Answering our own questions isn’t the only problem. We also have a habit of asking the wrong questions. For example, for centuries we asked ourselves what happens to water at the end of the Earth rather than questioning whether or not the Earth was actually flat to begin with. There's nothing wrong with asking the wrong questions. After all, they often lead to the right ones. The point is not to assume that we're asking the right questions to begin with. For example, do you ever find yourself asking, "How did it all begin?" Perhaps there was no beginning as we understand it and the better question is "What is that nature of all that is?" Or how about, “What is the meaning of life?” Perhaps the better question is, “How do I give my life meaning.” Think on that one for a minute.
So have we learned from our mistakes? Meh, some have, some haven't. Many of us still attribute the unknown to a god, or gods, or something supernatural or spiritual. Others are convinced science holds an explanation for everything and happily piggy back onto the latest theories of which they have little to no understanding.
From my perspective it takes faith to be a theist or a non-agnostic atheist. Believing that there is or is not a God in the lack of any suitable evidence is okay, but it's still a leap of faith. Being agnostic I'm okay saying, "I don't know, and I probably never will." I don't grasp for conclusions... scientific or otherwise, and I don't assume I'm asking the right questions.
So that's where I stand. What's the point? I have faith too, not in God or Science but in my fellow man. We're not there yet but I think we're fast approaching the day where we'll be able to pursue the big questions without answering them first, and I think we'll all be better for it.
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