All I know is...
GAZA was conflict, and Israel pulled out, all people and settlements.
Gaza could have runned their country instead they fired missles on Israel, and goverment got taken over by a regime...Hamas.
I support Israel and I think it is about time they sent a clear message to people who hate them, they will not lay down and be walked over.
There is only so much a person/people can take.
So all the innocent people who died, all this out cry, where was the protesting for Israel when they children and young were killed?
Plus take a good look at who protests it.
Religion makes all blind, and then if that doesn't work, race does, and if that doesn't work class does, and if that doesn't work then male/female will work, and then if that doesn't work then sexual orientation in the mix.
No World Peace and No One Will get along, and frankly if the world was to die and start over that would be fine by me.
We ruin exploit, and pillage each other and the earth until it will be no more.
GOD I am so depressing.
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