God, yes. Trivial bullcrap combined with incessant yammering about the latest celebrity scandal (that's been going on for two months) is driving me insane. Top that with the fact that everything important is either ignored or embellished to the point of absurdity with media spin and I hardly even turn on the television anymore. More people know about the Tiger Woods affair than the Copenhagen Conference, the largest United Nations environmental conference in history. There's more media coverage on Michael Jackson's death than the war in Afghanistan.
It's not just the news media either. Commercials are nothing but the latest fashion craze and Hannah Montana fad for pre-teens. Christmas time television is populated with ad upon ad of over-expensive useless crap that spoiled brats everywhere are gonna beg for because they can't fathom the concept of not getting what they want. Television shows, with a few exceptions that tend to become overrun with the crap, are nothing but the same goddamn sex and fart joke repeated over and over again for eighteen seasons. "Oh, look, the husband did something stupid that the wife saw coming a mile away; that's so ****ing original!"
Books like Twilight and Harry Potter are considered "literature" by the modern teenager and adults are actually trying to catch onto that hype train. Authors like James Patterson and Dan ****ing Brown are known by everyone all over the world, but mention an author that's actually decent and he's either unheard of or considered "boring" by the dumbed-down masses simply because they don't write about sex and guns. Book covers are littered with imprinted "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" stickers because every single goddamn New York Times bestseller has to become a crappy movie at some point or another.
And the movies! All this crap being defecated onto the screen by dunces like Michael Bay BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE ENJOY.
And if you voice a damn single thing about the swirling motion our culture is making down to hell, you're an elitist.
**** the media.
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