Don't drink alcohol to overcome social anxiety, its the most horrible advice you could possibly recieve. Not only is it very temporary, but you WILL eventually associate your anxiety with drinking alcohol once you become comfortable with drinking and recieve those thoughts you have while under that state.
There are many things you can do but these are some key steps you should take to not only control it but eventually grow new cells and make the imbalance in your head balanced.
First, in your freetime when not in public sort through your mind. Realize that you don't have to think when it comes to interactions and your brain will handle it regardless of you taking the time to think. Once you cover the areas of why you do it and why its unnecessary you can begin to create mental steps in controlling it. Next step you should take, is go see a doctor, and don't be embarassed to go see one. Discuss the issue and they will put you on different forms of medication until one seems to fit the imbalance you have recieved. Continue counseling with the doctor and you will find once you talk to him/her without any bias and the focus is purely on you, with the right questions you can begin to analyse and understand yourself. It's all a process, I also suggest you put yourself out there more to get practice with people. You will more than likely fall flat on your face in some situations but thats only because you are developing the tools to survive in these situations.
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