@thegerg said:
@evildead6789 said:
@thegerg said:
@evildead6789 said:
@thegerg said:
@evildead6789 said:
People still die of disease, or have severe handicaps, we still have to kill other creatures to live. We can't even feed or fellow man.
OK, this has nothing to do with the question at hand. Thanks for sharing, though.
Anyway, do you believe in everything for which there is a chance?
Thinking in black and white is not right, it's not rational, it's not correct.
I don't believe in anything and I believe in everything.
Why , because there's always a chance. For all I know , pigs will suddenly fly out of my ass. Of course chances are extremely slim that will happen, so I pretty much rule that out.
You can't deny 2000 years of history, it's more than debatable of course, but saying it's not true while we're such weak beings, is just arrogant. It's just as arrogant to say it's true though, a lot of discoveries show that it's quite possible that there's isn't a god
But like I said, we can't really know for sure, for all we know god is playing a 3d movie of the universe around us. We haven't even set foot on mars and outside the solar system is beyond our reach, and that's just the beginning according to todays science.
If you look up at the sky, you can't help but wonder.
"I don't believe in anything and I believe in everything."
You understand that that makes no sense, right?
I know that you're hoping that someone finds your pseudo-intellectual bullshit and nonsensical blabber that you dump into your posts to be deep or interesting. Unfortunately, it's just self-contradicting and logically unsound.
That's because you're thinking in black and white
The I don't believe in anything and I believe in everything was a bit ironic and so were the pigs flying out my ass. I'm though you would have gotten that.
There are a lot of things I can rule out in this world and a lot of things I believe, but there's a lot of contradiction in things. You might as well ask what was first, the chicken or the egg.
I can't deny 2000 years of religious history, I also can't deny the scientific findings of the last 2000 years. They contradict themselves. If you say one of them is right , then you're wrong.
You can believe in what you want, but it's not reality if you choose one or the other. Reality as of know as neither of them or both of them, we simply don't know.
"The I don't believe in anything and I believe in everything was a bit ironic"
No it wasn't. I suggest that you pick up a dictionary and learn what the word "ironic" means.
"You might as well ask what was first, the chicken or the egg."
That has nothing to do with your silly belief that it's irrational to not believe in something for which there is no evidence.
"I can't deny 2000 years of religious history, I also can't deny the scientific findings of the last 2000 years. They contradict themselves. If you say one of them is right , then you're wrong."
No you're not.
Please just try to answer the question. Why is it irrational to not believe something for which there is no evidence? Do you believe that there is a tiger sitting on my lap right now?
Well, I did look up ironic, english is not my native language, so let's not be fooled by the tower of babylon, I changed the word to exaggerated (before you posted this I might add)
The chicken or the egg has something to do with it, you and me weren't there when the chicken or the egg was created or came to existence, whatever you prefer. It's the same with jesus and the bible, you and me weren't there 2000 years ago.
You ask for evidence, but we don't have the means to provide it nor have we the means to deny it. So yeah it is irrational to not believe it or to believe it for that matter.
As for the tiger, chances are slim, but chances are a lot slimmer pigs are flying out of my ass. I presume you made a joke with the tiger, so there's a big chance that isn't true. Most people don't have tigers as well. You're just saying this in a context and I can pretty much rule it out, but I wouldn't bet my life on it, you could do reverse psychology, allthough I also think you wouldn't do that at this time. Still, I don't know who you are. Ruling it out completely is difficult. The zero is really a zero and in this case there isn't any history that preceeds this situation. If it was only one man that said something unlikely like this 2000 years ago, yeah then of course I would not believe it and rule it out, but it would be of such low importance it would have never reached me, people tend to 'not pass on' unimportant information.
You're only one man that just said one sentence that is highly unlikely. You could say with everything we know about science that it is highly unlikely as well that there is a god, or that there was a jesus in the same way christians believe in him. The bible could be metaphorical but there's more to this. As much as we explain nature phenomenons , we can't explain them all and we can only explain a part of what's happening here in this solar system. If you look how big the universe is, or what we believe how big the universe is then you can't say with certainty there wasn't a creator or a god, or something similar especailly when our ancestors did believe in something like it and say they saw it and passed it on for all this time.
The fact that there isn't sitting a tiger on your lap, is way more certain that what science says today about why or how we came to existence. There are too many variables to solve the mystery at this time and If you look at the intelligence of men before 2000, they weren't that much dumber than we are. We have a lot more knowledge to built upon, but they couldn't have been complete morons, if they were able to cook food, make sewers, build monuments and understand basic mathematics.
They even managed to build pyramids.
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