[QUOTE="honkyjoe"][QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="honkyjoe"][QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="honkyjoe"] [QUOTE="simonromano2007"]i mean whats the point of that law you can kill someone at the age of 18 but you cant have a nice cold beer.Thechaninator
This isn't anything new. People are in there physical Apex around 18 but not there emotional. Lower the drinking age to 18 and there will be more DUI's, More domestic violence, and more murder.
Oh yes of course, because it isn't like underrage drinking isn't to the point where it appears the majority of people drink before 21.
People blow this WAY OUT OF PROPORTION and it is also ridiculous how they claim that we are too immature for alcohol at 18, yet there are MANY more irresponsible people over 18 and at one point the most DUI's were those 25-35 years old.
You want to stop drinking porblems? Start actually educating children on alcohol rather than just telling them "Oh it's awesome, but too much for you" and lower the drinking age.
Italy hasn't had a drinking age for God knows how long and untill recently they have had no big problems with alcohol. Sadly theres a culture shift going on there and the hard partying characterstic of the US, France, and Germany is gaining popularity there....
Im not blowing it our of proportion at all. If they lower the drinking age then more people will drink and more accidents will happen. And people try to educate kids on Alchohal, last year at my school there were about 10 people who came and spoke to us about drinking yet no one listened.
We don't have any real education on both drugs and sex here in the States. It is always abstinence and they make both sex and alvohol look like some crazy things that will kill you if you do them. You want to see proof of how this "education" is? Notice how the vast majority of people here when referring to drinking talk about how it disorients you, yet that only happens WHEN YOU HAVE TOO MUCH!!!!
People only know the extremes of alcohol and the substance is blown so crazily out of proportion it isn't even funny. In other countries it's the norm to have a glass of wine with dinner yet here when we refer to drinking it's always about people getting drunk, and then on top of that if you are someone who will just have a drink a day with a meal people will suspect you of being an alcoholic for drinking everyday, even in spite of a glass of wine a day being recommended for your health!!!
I will repeat, we have no real education here on drugs and sex. We blow substance so freaking out of proportion it isn't even funny.
But you have to realize that we arent like other countries. European countries are so different from us in terms of genetics. It has been normal for thousands of years for Europeans to have wine instead of water when the water was supposably contaminated. I have been to Germany and France and the kids there dont go nuts with Booze, They will have a beer and then maybe another later. Drinking to them is about calming down not getting s***faced..
"The French drink one-and-a-half times more per capita than Americans and their death rate from liver cirrhosis is more than one-and-a-half times greater than that in the United States"
"The high premature death rate of French men is largely due to alcohol abuse."
"French youth, who can legally drink at age 16, prefer beer and distilled spirits to wine and have increased their consumption fivefold since 1996, in part because 12- to 14-year-olds are drinking and binge drinking. This has led to a new government "War Against Drugs" that includes alcohol."
France has a worse problem with alcohol then us man, and do I need to get into Germany's reputation, particularly Amsterdam?
dude amsterdam is in holland not germany
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