[QUOTE="Harkat95"]It's not hard to google this and get definitions, you know. Atheism is THE LACK OF BELIEF IN A GOD. That is it. By saying atheism is stupid you are saying that the lack of belief in a god is stupid, and since you said yourself that you do not believe in a god, you are saying your own belief is stupid.theone86
I really dislike classifying atheism as such, technically then a child might be atheist, someone who hasn't been exposed to religion in youth is atheist. Personally, I arrived at the views that I hold now through introspection and contemplation same as anyone who found religion after not being born into it, I expect my belief system to hold just as much credibility and respect as anyone else's.
Well, not believing in something is the default position, so yes, I would say that we are born atheists, although of course not consciously so. Lacking the belief in a god, does not mean being opposed to it. This is the difference between atheism and ANTItheism. We are definitely not born antitheists.
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