I can't see why so many Athiests dislike Chrisianity (I mean the religion itself, not the ignorant people who won't listen to what is said.). The basis of Christianity is for the good of mankind. For example just because I don't believe in Buhdism doesn't mean that I dislike the religion. For the Athiests who dislike Christianity what do you dislike about it?
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I dislike it because I live in a country filled with people who think that society should revolve around Christianity.
However, ignoring the people who worship the religion and just focusing on the religion itself, I'm still not much of a fan because of all the horrible stuff written in the Old Testament. That said, remove the Old Testament and I have to say that I actually like the religion since Jesus was, for the most part, a pretty benevolent guy who just wanted people to look out for each others' best interests and was against people profiting from religion in any way. Its a shame that very few Christians actually apply what's in the new testament (they claim they do, but in reality that's just a self-delusion. Abiding by the New Testament is a difficult thing to do since it requires a massive amount of self-control and sacrifice). That wouldn't necessarily be a problem though were it not for the fact that a lot of people instead choose to live by the Old Testament which leads to crap like creationism, abortion clinic bombings, and anti-homosexual feelings and laws.
Basically my opinion is that the best version of the Bible ever written was Thomas Jefferson's revision.
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