...wait, what? I didn't quite get what you were saying...
I've got nothing against CAthiesm itself. If people want to believe in nothing, let them. It's when they start imposing their believes on me/society that I get irritated...
I think it's only fair. People believe in Chritianism and all sorts of other so-called religion and they go around preaching and bantering around the world; internet, workplace, media etc. They even dedicate these worthless, insulting media shows that are nothing but religion "all hail the lord, the bible said this blah blah, blah blah" To sum it up, it's okay for Christian people to believe in what they want, same as Atheists but when Christianity imposes in society, the best example would be the media, it's okay with you but when Atheists want to express something similar to that; e.g spreading the message that god does not exist, you disallow it?Well you were born in a Christian country you should expect that...
When I go to an athiest country I won't mind at all i they say there is no god...
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