[QUOTE="Diablo-B"]Is it really that good? Maybe i should see it thenMystikFollower
The hype is what is keeping it going, too many people making it seem incredible, making it over-rated. It was really good, but Transformers had the better effects. The storyline was cliche, and the action was overdone.
It's 32 in IMDB's top 250, it doesn't deserve to be there, it should be way below.
After three weeks if the movie was really that bad people would've stopped going to see it. I have many friends that have already seen it upwards of three times. It's gotten good reviews from many average joes out there and many good reviews from legit film critics. Not everyone is going to like the film of course; but between the reviews, the exponential ticket sales, and increasing popularity; I'd say your opinion of it being hype is not correct. Also to compare this film in ANY way to garbage like Transformers is an insult to James Cameron's. His story may have not be all to original, but at least it wasn't completely pointless and flat like Transformers.
Cameron is actually a LOT like Michael Bay. They both make shallow and extremely expensive blockbusters designed to rake in massive amounts of cash. They're both the epitome of the notion that "bigger is better". It's just that James Cameron is just a better filmmaker than Michael Bay. You're never going to see James Cameron do a small, complex character study on a modest budget. You're never going to see James Cameron make a movie where something doesn't blow up or otherwise get demolished in a spectacular way. He's no Paul Thomas Anderson and He's no Ethan or Joel Coen. He's an action guy in exactly the same class as Michael Bay.
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