That was the most worthless trailer I've ever seen for a hyped movie. Seriously, after the 2 minutes, I was literally wondering what the hell I just watched. Hopefully the movie is better.... way better.
I'm sure it won't be BAD.
And Cameron DOES know how to stage an excellent and badass action sequence. Even in a lot of his movies that I've hated (True Lies, The Abyss, T2), one thing you can definitely say is that the action scenes WERE top-notch.
But as far as mere art design, this thing just doesn't look all that impressive. I'm sure that the 3D will be good, but it'll have to be some DAMN good 3D if the movie is going to succeed on that alone. Overall art design just sort of looks like something from any generic sci-fi FPS videogame. Which isn't necessarily bad, but given the hype I really expect more.
And yeah, the trailer doesn't really address the story. But if we can say that James Cameron can stage an excellent action scene, we can also say that some of his movies become a LOT too preachy. That kind of stuff ruined The Abyss, it helped to ruin Terminator 2. Yes, Terminator 2 WAS preachy as hell, and it was ****ing annoying. Considering the supposed ecological themes that are going to be in Avatar, I'm very much expecting that it's going to be another one of his preachy eco-fables.
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