I think that quote mistates the theistic proposition on morality. that is its not so much atheists can't be moral, they very much can be, but they can't account for that morality or justify it.
In its most basic sense, we(as in all animals) developed altruism as a means to keep genes alive, in humans this aided in development of empathy, desires, 'n such. Our basic 'morals'. We developed these especially due to us being a social animal who lived in small tribes, and it's beneficial for the survival of us, and in turn our genes, to have some basic sense of morality the 'golden rule'.
Then there's the moral zeitgeist, which changes immensely over time. And seems to become 'fairer' as time goes on, we become more connected, and we think of each other as equals. Just a hundred years ago, what would be called progressives were in favor of slavery and said things along the lines of Blacks not being mentally capable of keeping up with Whites.
I think in 'this video' Richard Dawkins covers this quite nicely .(I'm not sure if it's part 1, 2 or 3, but it's a good watch anyway imo)
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