Nirvana? Certainly not, or at least not re: Nevermind. Live they were kind of raw back and far from sounding like old Mr Vigs clean production. Songs played off Bleach certainly resembled their original form though, but again that the album was engineerined far less in comparison.
personally I don't care for a band that simply replicates their studio sound - I don't pay to see a gig and listen to what could be an album played through a 50K rig.
well if a band is close to or better than the album, live, it shows that they actually have talent and that they don't need editing to make them sound good.
Sorry, it's not talent I was refering too, rather a band should play to the size of a venue and not try and replicate a sound engineered for living room consumption. As the chap above me mentioned, a band trying to do so makes for an uninspiring performance.
And with technology these days sound engineerers are pretty good at masking mistakes occuring in live performances. Depend on the nature of the music I actually prefer a little mistake here or there rather something too clean or tight. Nirvana for example were certainly not the cleanest band live, hence them sounding noticably different to the production on Nevermind...
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