RobboElRobbo, Darth-Caedus, Chessmaster1989, Every guy at the Metal Union with an emphasis on Guppy, Juggs, Freek, Apples, Ramrod, Nevlim, kvltmuffin, rikardur, martzel, lordA, eddy, -absinthe-, and I know I'm forgetting lots in the metal union too, but it's a fun place with a laid back group.
Other users who I think deserve a mention in OT, but never do:
-Needled24/7 - Seriously, his posts almost always make me laugh, he's hilarious.
-Engrish Major - Another really funny user
-Xthexploited (probably spelt wrong) - but another really funny user
Now these three aren't as outright funny as say Xaos or Rawsavon, but they have a very sly/dry sense of humor (at least how I interpret it and that's the kind of humor I like.
And then the usuals (who get mentioned by all): Rawsavon, Pirate, LJ, Xaos, Bianka, mitu, krunkmasta, zoraluv, ghlegend, astrozombie, cheesyjohn, justplainlucas, blindblumonstah, t3hrubikscube, warownslife, kidhipp, ayanami_rei (spelt wrong), omni-slash, elraptor, solidruss, spazz, wilfred-owen, oleg, cybercatter, dylan_11, Aspen706, gazaali (who, if you don't mind me saying deserves a lot more credit than he gets OT), snipes_2, ringx25 (or something like that), sorax64, iron_beaver, lol_haha_dead, CRS98, testfactor888, cd_rom, hedden, metroidfood, sig_hahn, mrmusicfan, jazz_fan, ninja-hippo, smc91224(or however, it's a bunch of numbers), teenaged, theokoth, hyrueprince, dark__link, ohthemanatee, grapes_of_wrath, film-guy, R34lity, solidsnake35, clayron, supa_badman, carrot-cake
I am missing a lot. But yeah, basically everyone here sans a few users. :P
Is that my first mention? Oooh Blue-Storm, you know how to make a man blush. :oops:
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