@servomaster said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
Why? Most of the things we depend on and take for granted have socialist traits. Things such as roads and highways, the military, social security and medicaid, and much much more. I think you'd be surprised just how much the US is socialist, and how well it works.
Socialism, to a degree, is great.
You only need to fear socialism, the kind that is being entertained by Sanders and his supporters, if you are greedy. If you want more, much much much more, than you need. Millionaires will still be millionaires, billionaires will still be billionaires, and the people that need a bit of help will get it.
This is not about stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, it is more about asking everyone to pay their fair share, to contribute to their country and peers instead of taking advantage of it/them
Cause I like my money. I work hard for it and I don't want it going to others.
Yes it's about taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor, that's what socialism is.
@omotih said:
there are no rich peole in socialism ... you like your money, while every sane person hates money ... its what restricts people, its not making them independant ... in opposition to what everyone is telling you ...
The problem is some people, like yourselves, view it as an "all or nothing" situation. The US will not, not ever, be socialist. Not entirely. It will likely continue to be a democratic republic for quite some time. So the fear of wealth redistribution that has occurred in other places where "pure" socialism has occurred, and often failed, is unfounded.
Many people work hard for their money, myself included, I want to keep it as well. But I also want my country to be able to educate it's children, I want my roads to be maintained, I would like to continue hiking through parks and fishing off piers, and so on.
I also want my country to be better than other countries. Our educational rating is deplorable; our roads don't receive enough attention; parks are being closed, and more. It costs money to do these things, and someone needs to chip in.
The way it is now, the people with less money chip in far more than those with the most money. That is not fair. And this is a failure of the politicians; the people that have been promising us "no more taxes" have been bleeding us dry anyway. You don't just magically make things better by cutting funding; I am not sure where the logic is. And as for keeping your own money, a nice house and college education won't mean anything when everything outside of your house and job (i.e., the country you live in) is absolute shit. Imagine the entire country as Detroit.
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