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A weapon used in the BloodRayne and BloodRayne II video games, this replica is a full-tang arm blade sword.
Description: Single solid piece of hard-anodized black stainless steel, reaching an impressive 17-3/8 inches long. The handle features an ergonomic grip and a strap wraps around your forearm for support. This weapon was designed to be an extension of your own body; lightweight, functional and flawless. Cut some zombie heads clean off or go to the core of infection with a clean plunge through the jaw, straight to the brain.
Ninja Forearm Machete Blade Full Tang Knife Sword
Depends on the game and how readily available weapons/ammo are. If it's a survival game it would be nice if you can use bits of the environment (rocks, bricks, etc.) to cave zombies heads in. They could break after a small random amount of uses. If you have a crossbow or spears etc. you should be able to pin zombies to certain surfaces with them, that would be cool. They could either die pinned to the wall if hit in the head or just stay alive wriggling on the wall/floor until they can break free if you get them somewhere else.
De Lisle carbine. It's arguably the quietest firearm (with effective munition) around. I don't see it in many zombie games; the only one I know of is State of Decay (even in that game De Lisle is rare since it's an exclusive to preordered version of the Year One edition).
1.Katana (melee starting weapon and best weapon to behead Zombies)
2.Shotgun ( for close quarters and crowd control )
3 Sniper rifle for long quarters
4.Assault Rifle, Flamethrower for Human enemies or Special Zombies (sub bosses)
5.Magnum (For Boss Encounters)
firearms seem less usefull in a zombie situation because you need a constant supply of ammunition. what are you going to carry around thousands of rounds all the time?
Da Uzi 9mm.
any one of those would be ideal for personal defense
so what'll it be?
lemme close up shop early today
hey, you can't do that!
1.Katana (melee starting weapon and best weapon to behead Zombies)
2.Shotgun ( for close quarters and crowd control )
3 Sniper rifle for long quarters
4.Assault Rifle, Flamethrower for Human enemies or Special Zombies (sub bosses)
5.Magnum (For Boss Encounters)
Katana and swords in general are horrible weapons against zombies.
Phase plasma rifle in a 40 watt range.
Da Uzi 9mm.
Both of those weapons we were mentioned by at least one of Arnold Schwartzenegger's characters. Are you one of his big fans?
Also, you forgot: the 45 longslide with laser sighting
A great weapon against zombies: a katana. Those things will cut down the zombie in half.
@foxhound_fox: just out of mild curiosity, do you have a favourite space marine (chaos or not) chapter, and if so; which one?
Not yet. I'm still just getting into the 40K universe. I've picked up the Core ruleset/fluff book, Chaos Rising (Abnett), the first of Gaunt's Ghosts (Abnett) and am going to try and find The Space Wolves Omnibus (been told by several people it's the best introduction).
I'm definitely thinking at least sticking with the Imperium-side Space Marines until something else tickles my fancy. And I've always been a fan of the Tyranids long before I even knew what Warhammer was.
Dude, come on. You're the one making the game, stop asking people how to make it. Have some dignity and pride in your own part in the creative process. It's one thing if we paid you to make the game for us, but we didn't. Instead, you're making the game anyway and asking how to make it good. That's just kind of...sad. If you don't know how to make the game good, then why the hell did you decide to make the game anyway? Also, I hope you also realize that every suggestion that you get is worthless. It's easy for people to say that they'd buy the game if it had this or that, but i hope you realize that most of the people who are saying that are not gonna buy your game regardless of what you do. This is YOUR project, buddy! You get to make the game that you want! And you're gonna compromise that by tailoring your game to suit the wishes of people who in all likelihood are never gonna buy your game anyway. Let's be realistic: your game is probably not gonna sell regardless of what you do. And if it somehow DOES sell, it's probably gonna be because of the creators' unique vision rather than the result of following a fucking checklist of what sells. You're thinking like a corporate stooge. Just make the game that you want. Then if it flops (which it probably will regardless of what you do), at least you have the satisfaction of making a game that YOU wanted. That's better than acting like a corporate stooge, getting a game that doesn't sell, and that even YOU don't like because you let focus groups make all of the fun and interesting decisions for you.
@foxhound_fox: just out of mild curiosity, do you have a favourite space marine (chaos or not) chapter, and if so; which one?
Not yet. I'm still just getting into the 40K universe. I've picked up the Core ruleset/fluff book, Chaos Rising (Abnett), the first of Gaunt's Ghosts (Abnett) and am going to try and find The Space Wolves Omnibus (been told by several people it's the best introduction).
I'm definitely thinking at least sticking with the Imperium-side Space Marines until something else tickles my fancy. And I've always been a fan of the Tyranids long before I even knew what Warhammer was.
oh man you are gonna read some amazing lore, i'm actually excited on your behalf x)
an added bonus would be keeping a lookout for any old 'white dwarf' magazines, they contain quite a few anecdotal short-stories with space marines (salamanders) facing off with the initial invasion of the tyranids, among many other well-written stories revolving the 1st invasion :)
happy hunting :D
@MrGeezer: Thank you for your suggestion and the result of this little survey has satisfied me in a large extent. Thank you all, guys.
I'm surprised no one mentioned flame-thrower yet.
No one mentioned it because it's a horrible weapon against zombies. It's heavy and unwieldy (speed and mobility are the last things you want to compromise in a zombie attack). It has limited range and inaccurate. It's not very effective at incapacitating zombies (a burning zombie is still mobile and lethal). It's dangerous to the users and any allies (fire can spread and fuel tanks can explode). It wastes fuel which can instead be used for warmth, vehicles and/or generators.
I'm surprised no one mentioned flame-thrower yet.
No one mentioned it because it's a horrible weapon against zombies. It's heavy and unwieldy (speed and mobility are the last things you want to compromise in a zombie attack). It has limited range and inaccurate. It's not very effective at incapacitating zombies (a burning zombie is still mobile and lethal). It's dangerous to the users and any allies (fire can spread and fuel tanks can explode). It wastes fuel which can instead be used for warmth, vehicles and/or generators.
lol Well alrighty then.
I'm surprised no one mentioned flame-thrower yet.
No one mentioned it because it's a horrible weapon against zombies. It's heavy and unwieldy (speed and mobility are the last things you want to compromise in a zombie attack). It has limited range and inaccurate. It's not very effective at incapacitating zombies (a burning zombie is still mobile and lethal). It's dangerous to the users and any allies (fire can spread and fuel tanks can explode). It wastes fuel which can instead be used for warmth, vehicles and/or generators.
lol Well alrighty then.
Hey, if I'm going to play then I play to win. lol
The best option is a suit of armor that prevents zombies from biting you and then a decent melee weapon. Something blunt that does a lot of damage because a bladed weapon needs some skill to use and can get stuck in flesh.
And I've always thought that melee weapons in general would be horrible against zombies. You're gonna get all kinds of blood and guts splattered onto you. And assuming that we're going with the traditional notion of the zombie plague being spread by bodily fluids, that's a horrible idea.
Hell, even with a suit of armor, that still sucks. Even if the armor prevents you from getting bitten, you still have to deal with the fluids. At best, your suit of armor is now as deadly as a fucking zombie. If you've got the slightest cut on your hand, then merely touching your own armour could turn you into a zombie. And at worst, killing a zombie could get blood sprayed on you between the gaps in the armor. Seriously, **** melee weapons.
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