Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has compared so-called “social justice warriors” to Maoists and the Ku Klux Klan in an interview with radio host Alex Jones. Corgan called the activists a “propaganda control arm” who are “here to control us” as Jones chimed in: “It’s classic tyranny.”
“They’re Maoists. They have the Little Red Book in their hand. You’re not gonna get them back.” Corgan said. “The only thing that’s going to adjust their ideological fixation is reality.”
Corgan said the “hashtag generation” of activists use peer pressure, shaming and mocking to force their way on forums like Twitter, which Corgan quit last year. “If you think someone is dumb or uneducated or a bigot or something, mocking them is not usually the best way to get through to them,” Corgan said.
Jones, the outspoken radio host and conspiracy theorist, responded by describing the same activists as “little arrogant 20-year-olds spitting in [people’s] faces, screaming at them: ‘You hate me because I’m a tranny’, and it’s just this made-up thing in their head.” The host added: “And I personally get mad and want to punch them in the nose.”
Is he right? And I like his 80's and early 90's music, the newer stuff is bad, though.
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