Even more stupid when you were the victim on the second picture.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
What was in my original post? The fact that I just mentioned the mere fact of being captured and sold. Did I say by who? No. So stay on topic instead of going on a rant. As for opposing gay rights that a different topic, what I am against is the idea that blacks should support it unconditionally because of our history thats what I am against.tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"][QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]It was in your original post. Just correcting your misconceptions with history.
You're welcome.
The whole opposing gay rights is wildly hipocritical though.
It's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
For someone who tried to school me minutes ago on slavery cannot surely claim that gay persecution is even comparable to during the trans alantic slave trade. Buddy, its believed over 90 million blacks died from the passages to and from africa alone. That doesn't even included the persecution our people faced one we got to our destinations. If you knew anything about what happened during those times you would not even dare to comparred to two. When have you ever heard of a homo hanging from a tree? Or a town of gays being wiped out because one of them was accused of rapping another persons daughter?[QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] What was in my original post? The fact that I just mentioned the mere fact of being captured and sold. Did I say by who? No. So stay on topic instead of going on a rant. As for opposing gay rights that a different topic, what I am against is the idea that blacks should support it unconditionally because of our history thats what I am against.JJ_Productions
It's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
For someone who tried to school me minutes ago on slavery cannot surely claim that gay persecution is even comparable to during the trans alantic slave trade. Buddy, its believed over 90 million blacks died from the passages to and from africa alone. That doesn't even included the persecution our people faced one we got to our destinations. If you knew anything about what happened during those times you would not even dare to comparred to two. When have you ever heard of a homo hanging from a tree? Or a town of gays being wiped out because one of them was accused of rapping another persons daughter? It's not just white people who make the comparison.You're a joke. Quit acting like you were a citizen of Africa who was taken from his homeland and are now forced to live out your days working in a slave field. You never had to experience that, you cannot comprehend it. YOU were not taken from your homeland, placed on a ship and offered for sale in nations around the world. You didn't experience that, it in no way created hardship on your life. Gays are discriminated against because they're attracted to people of the same sex. THEY are the victims, not their great great grandfathers. They are the ones dealing with the pain and suffering of the discrimination. In today's world blacks are more likely to get jobs than whites due to "diversity", "multiculturalism", and "Affirmative Action" Blacks dont have it so hard these days, quit pretending to be a victim. I guess they're wrong, you're feeling too entitled because your great,great, great grandfather might have been a slave somewhere, for some period of time. However that doesn't mean you know what discrimination feels like, and clearly you've never been discriminated against, else you'd know how gays feel.Whats this crap i've been hearing lately about blacks should understand the discrimination that gays goes through so we should be more sympathetic towrard their cause. The discrimination that black people faced and the conditions don't even compared to what any homo went through but thats beside the point. The fact is that certain non blacks try to say how we have no choice but to accept gays is insanity. Since when did you choose what we should valvue and hold dear? I find it degradable that some people would even compared the event of having a war on your homeland, captured and sold as slaves, sent on ships to multiples nations of the world and having your culture robbed from you to an sexual act. You seriously must be out of your mind to even use that as comparable grounds of discrimination. One is a birth right, the other is a choice.
[QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] What was in my original post? The fact that I just mentioned the mere fact of being captured and sold. Did I say by who? No. So stay on topic instead of going on a rant. As for opposing gay rights that a different topic, what I am against is the idea that blacks should support it unconditionally because of our history thats what I am against.-Sun_Tzu-
It's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
Also many gays marched hand in hand with blacks during the 60's civil rights movement. In fact the March on Washington, where MLK gave his "I Had a Dream Speech," was organized by a gay civil rights leader, Bayard Rustin. And who is Martin Luther King? Does he represent all black people? In fact, many black I knew are against the idea of integration and this a prime example why. When segregated, at least we could maintain our family values and culture, with integration however, you people are telling us we have to accept this and reject that all while having no opinion in the matter.[QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] What was in my original post? The fact that I just mentioned the mere fact of being captured and sold. Did I say by who? No. So stay on topic instead of going on a rant. As for opposing gay rights that a different topic, what I am against is the idea that blacks should support it unconditionally because of our history thats what I am against.JJ_Productions
It's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
For someone who tried to school me minutes ago on slavery cannot surely claim that gay persecution is even comparable to during the trans alantic slave trade. Buddy, its believed over 90 million blacks died from the passages to and from africa alone. That doesn't even included the persecution our people faced one we got to our destinations. If you knew anything about what happened during those times you would not even dare to comparred to two. When have you ever heard of a homo hanging from a tree? Or a town of gays being wiped out because one of them was accused of rapping another persons daughter?oh cry more, everybody has been a slave at some point. Do you think I **** about turks enslaving white christians, forcibly converting them then forcing them into the military front lines? Or 1/3 of jews being wiped out for being jewish or being (probably) enslaved by black Egyptions? Gays have been killed simply for being gay for all of human existence, granted they did have the benifit of being able to hid their little...ahem problem.I want the focus to be more on modern times, and actually a man was lynched for being gay recently.I found in my 10 seconds of google searching.
Looked up the numbers and it's closer to 1.5 million that died btw. Again, you're welcome for the history lesson.
[QUOTE="HoolaHoopMan"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] Don't be dense. The promotions of acceptance of the homo lifestyle through politics, media, and societyJJ_Productions
So their agenda is equality, and this is bad to you? Do you understand why you come off as a scumbag piece of shlt? Switch out homo agenda' with 'negro agenda', kind of reminiscent our past isn't it?
'The promotions of acceptance of the negro lifestyle through politics, media, and society.' We don't want dem' Negroes thinking they're equal to white people in the eyes of the lord now do we?
Their agenda has nothing to do with equality and more of sexual preference. The fact that you considered the homo movement a noble equitable cause worth fighting for shows your twisted perspective on what is a natural born right and what is simply preference. Until you have a strong foundation of what a human right is our conversation can't continue. I would ask you the same question, because you don't seem to understand that sexual preference isn't a choice. Your continued ignorance to assert otherwise is the root problem. Your sexual preference is just as innate as the color of your skin.[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"]You're a joke. Quit acting like you were a citizen of Africa who was taken from his homeland and are now forced to live out your days working in a slave field. You never had to experience that, you cannot comprehend it. YOU were not taken from your homeland, placed on a ship and offered for sale in nations around the world. You didn't experience that, it in no way created hardship on your life. Gays are discriminated against because they're attracted to people of the same sex. THEY are the victims, not their great great grandfathers. They are the ones dealing with the pain and suffering of the discrimination. In today's world blacks are more likely to get jobs than whites due to "diversity", "multiculturalism", and "Affirmative Action" Blacks dont have it so hard these days, quit pretending to be a victim. I guess they're wrong, you're feeling too entitled because your great,great, great grandfather might have been a slave somewhere, for some period of time. However that doesn't mean you know what discrimination feels like, and clearly you've never been discriminated against, else you'd know how gays feel.Whats this crap i've been hearing lately about blacks should understand the discrimination that gays goes through so we should be more sympathetic towrard their cause. The discrimination that black people faced and the conditions don't even compared to what any homo went through but thats beside the point. The fact is that certain non blacks try to say how we have no choice but to accept gays is insanity. Since when did you choose what we should valvue and hold dear? I find it degradable that some people would even compared the event of having a war on your homeland, captured and sold as slaves, sent on ships to multiples nations of the world and having your culture robbed from you to an sexual act. You seriously must be out of your mind to even use that as comparable grounds of discrimination. One is a birth right, the other is a choice.
What? Buddy, read closely about the topic before you post. Who said anything about being entitled you jackass. I said I am against the idea that blacks are being told we should accept homos because of our history and we should be sympathetic. Secondly of course I feel the affects you clown, the children of slavery are the only nation of people in the world that don't have a homeland to call their own. I could go into more details as to why this is important but I honestly don't even feel like sharing it with you closed minded people. If you want you can look up the effects many articles have been written about it/
[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"][QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.Also many gays marched hand in hand with blacks during the 60's civil rights movement. In fact the March on Washington, where MLK gave his "I Had a Dream Speech," was organized by a gay civil rights leader, Bayard Rustin. And who is Martin Luther King? Does he represent all black people? In fact, many black I knew are against the idea of integration and this a prime example why. When segregated, at least we could maintain our family values and culture, with integration however, you people are telling us we have to accept this and reject that all while having no opinion in the matter. :lol: Go embrace your African roots, just stay out of south Africa sooooooonIt's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"]You're a joke. Quit acting like you were a citizen of Africa who was taken from his homeland and are now forced to live out your days working in a slave field. You never had to experience that, you cannot comprehend it. YOU were not taken from your homeland, placed on a ship and offered for sale in nations around the world. You didn't experience that, it in no way created hardship on your life. Gays are discriminated against because they're attracted to people of the same sex. THEY are the victims, not their great great grandfathers. They are the ones dealing with the pain and suffering of the discrimination. In today's world blacks are more likely to get jobs than whites due to "diversity", "multiculturalism", and "Affirmative Action" Blacks dont have it so hard these days, quit pretending to be a victim. I guess they're wrong, you're feeling too entitled because your great,great, great grandfather might have been a slave somewhere, for some period of time. However that doesn't mean you know what discrimination feels like, and clearly you've never been discriminated against, else you'd know how gays feel. What? Buddy, read closely about the topic before you post. Who said anything about being entitled you jackass. I said I am against the idea that blacks are being told we should accept homos because of our history and we should be sympathetic. Secondly of course I feel the affects you clown, the children of slavery are the only nation of people in the world that don't have a homeland to call their own. I could go into more details as to why this is important but I honestly don't even feel like sharing it with you closed minded people. If you want you can look up the effects many articles have been written about it/Whats this crap i've been hearing lately about blacks should understand the discrimination that gays goes through so we should be more sympathetic towrard their cause. The discrimination that black people faced and the conditions don't even compared to what any homo went through but thats beside the point. The fact is that certain non blacks try to say how we have no choice but to accept gays is insanity. Since when did you choose what we should valvue and hold dear? I find it degradable that some people would even compared the event of having a war on your homeland, captured and sold as slaves, sent on ships to multiples nations of the world and having your culture robbed from you to an sexual act. You seriously must be out of your mind to even use that as comparable grounds of discrimination. One is a birth right, the other is a choice.
Can you not post within my post?
I believe editing my post is still a reportable offense...
Regardless, You are clearly unaffected by the discrimination you claim occurs, as you're unable to see how it relates to the discrimination homosexuals face on a regular basis.
If you didn't want to discuss this topic, and would simply like me to "Google it" when i question your stance. Why did you start the thread?
[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"][QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.Also many gays marched hand in hand with blacks during the 60's civil rights movement. In fact the March on Washington, where MLK gave his "I Had a Dream Speech," was organized by a gay civil rights leader, Bayard Rustin. And who is Martin Luther King? Does he represent all black people? In fact, many black I knew are against the idea of integration and this a prime example why. When segregated, at least we could maintain our family values and culture, with integration however, you people are telling us we have to accept this and reject that all while having no opinion in the matter. Yeah, God forbid black people are forced to stop discriminating against gays.It's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
Why am I the only person to say anything about him addressing them as homos?
I don't know if he is just that stupid or if he is doing this to flame and piss people off, but holy crap.....this guy is a serious moron..
Dude, how the hell has the black race not exiled you due to being an embarrassment to your own race?
Whats this crap i've been hearing lately about blacks should understand the discrimination that gays goes through so we should be more sympathetic towrard their cause. The discrimination that black people faced and the conditions don't even compared to what any homo went through but thats beside the point. The fact is that certain non blacks try to say how we have no choice but to accept gays is insanity. Since when did you choose what we should valvue and hold dear? I find it degradable that some people would even compared the event of having a war on your homeland, captured and sold as slaves, sent on ships to multiples nations of the world and having your culture robbed from you to an sexual act. You seriously must be out of your mind to even use that as comparable grounds of discrimination. One is a birth right, the other is a choice.
how about this
i get sick and tired of black people talking about (their) hardships. of war on (their) homeland slave and sold need to be quit. enless some way your over 150+ years old. You was not part of that time you have NO right to claim you had those hardships AT ALL. if you wish to come plain haveing the same right has white and dealing with the hardships of that time you better be at 45 years old or once again YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLAIM you went though those hardships.
the only hardships you have the right to claim has much has any race on planet is peeople calling you names of what ever race you are.
2: people right now who is gay ya it is like the hardships of blanks that is 45+ because they don't have the same right has people who want the oppisite sex. black and gays may not being going through the same reason has one group has but people of that age and gay people right now are fighting for the same thing has having the same rights.
it is different form of discrimination.
3 race at birth is not a right...
so ya
this is the reason why some race issues still around for some odd reason is people just think they dealth with all the hardships of that time so they attemt to hate the other race BUT yet netheir of you was even part of it.
Wait a sec. I thought about what I just said. He should not be banished from his own race, he should be banished from the HUMAN race, simply due to stupidity.
[QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] What was in my original post? The fact that I just mentioned the mere fact of being captured and sold. Did I say by who? No. So stay on topic instead of going on a rant. As for opposing gay rights that a different topic, what I am against is the idea that blacks should support it unconditionally because of our history thats what I am against.JJ_Productions
It's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
For someone who tried to school me minutes ago on slavery cannot surely claim that gay persecution is even comparable to during the trans alantic slave trade. Buddy, its believed over 90 million blacks died from the passages to and from africa alone. That doesn't even included the persecution our people faced one we got to our destinations. If you knew anything about what happened during those times you would not even dare to comparred to two. When have you ever heard of a homo hanging from a tree? Or a town of gays being wiped out because one of them was accused of rapping another persons daughter?In this post.
"Things that happened to my ancestors were worse then what is happening to homosexuals right now; therefore they do not deserve equal rights."
What? Buddy, read closely about the topic before you post. Who said anything about being entitled you jackass. I said I am against the idea that blacks are being told we should accept homos because of our history and we should be sympathetic. Secondly of course I feel the affects you clown, the children of slavery are the only nation of people in the world that don't have a homeland to call their own. I could go into more details as to why this is important but I honestly don't even feel like sharing it with you closed minded people. If you want you can look up the effects many articles have been written about it/[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"][QUOTE="Nibroc420"] You're a joke. Quit acting like you were a citizen of Africa who was taken from his homeland and are now forced to live out your days working in a slave field. You never had to experience that, you cannot comprehend it. YOU were not taken from your homeland, placed on a ship and offered for sale in nations around the world. You didn't experience that, it in no way created hardship on your life. Gays are discriminated against because they're attracted to people of the same sex. THEY are the victims, not their great great grandfathers. They are the ones dealing with the pain and suffering of the discrimination. In today's world blacks are more likely to get jobs than whites due to "diversity", "multiculturalism", and "Affirmative Action" Blacks dont have it so hard these days, quit pretending to be a victim. I guess they're wrong, you're feeling too entitled because your great,great, great grandfather might have been a slave somewhere, for some period of time. However that doesn't mean you know what discrimination feels like, and clearly you've never been discriminated against, else you'd know how gays feel.Nibroc420
Can you not post within my post?
I believe editing my post is still a reportable offense...
Regardless, You are clearly unaffected by the discrimination you claim occurs, as you're unable to see how it relates to the discrimination homosexuals face on a regular basis.
If you didn't want to discuss this topic, and would simply like me to "Google it" when i question your stance. Why did you start the thread?
Whats this crap i've been hearing lately about blacks should understand the discrimination that gays goes through so we should be more sympathetic towrard their cause. The discrimination that black people faced and the conditions don't even compared to what any homo went through but thats beside the point. The fact is that certain non blacks try to say how we have no choice but to accept gays is insanity. Since when did you choose what we should valvue and hold dear? I find it degradable that some people would even compared the event of having a war on your homeland, captured and sold as slaves, sent on ships to multiples nations of the world and having your culture robbed from you to an sexual act. You seriously must be out of your mind to even use that as comparable grounds of discrimination. One is a birth right, the other is a choice.
how about this
i get sick and tired of black people talking about (their) hardships. of war on (their) homeland slave and sold need to be quit. enless some way your over 150+ years old. You was not part of that time you have NO right to claim you had those hardships AT ALL. if you wish to come plain haveing the same right has white and dealing with the hardships of that time you better be at 45 years old or once again YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLAIM you went though those hardships.
the only hardships you have the right to claim has much has any race on planet is peeople calling you names of what ever race you are.
2: people right now who is gay ya it is like the hardships of blanks that is 45+ because they don't have the same right has people who want the oppisite sex. black and gays may not being going through the same reason has one group has but people of that age and gay people right now are fighting for the same thing has having the same rights.
it is different form of discrimination.
3 race at birth is not a right...
so ya
Maybe if you read what the thread was about you wouldnt be getting sick and tiredFor someone who tried to school me minutes ago on slavery cannot surely claim that gay persecution is even comparable to during the trans alantic slave trade. Buddy, its believed over 90 million blacks died from the passages to and from africa alone. That doesn't even included the persecution our people faced one we got to our destinations. If you knew anything about what happened during those times you would not even dare to comparred to two. When have you ever heard of a homo hanging from a tree? Or a town of gays being wiped out because one of them was accused of rapping another persons daughter?[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"][QUOTE="TopTierHustler"]tbh, if anybody should understand what gays are going through, it's black people.
It's not the same thing, but there are alot of parrallels between the gay and civil rights movements, and for this group who went through a very similar thing to turn around and not support another is shameful.
Granded, maybe history is repeating itself. Womens and blacks rights groups faugth together for the right to vote, but once blacks got the right to vote, the basically backstabed womens rights groups.
Don't let history repeat itself, and you're welcome for the history lesson.
In this post.
"Things that happened to my ancestors were worse then what is happening to homosexuals right now; therefore they do not deserve equal rights."
Alright i'm going to put you on the spot. Define to me what an "equal right" is.[QUOTE="Nibroc420"]
[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] What? Buddy, read closely about the topic before you post. Who said anything about being entitled you jackass. I said I am against the idea that blacks are being told we should accept homos because of our history and we should be sympathetic. Secondly of course I feel the affects you clown, the children of slavery are the only nation of people in the world that don't have a homeland to call their own. I could go into more details as to why this is important but I honestly don't even feel like sharing it with you closed minded people. If you want you can look up the effects many articles have been written about it/JJ_Productions
Can you not post within my post?
I believe editing my post is still a reportable offense...
Regardless, You are clearly unaffected by the discrimination you claim occurs, as you're unable to see how it relates to the discrimination homosexuals face on a regular basis.
If you didn't want to discuss this topic, and would simply like me to "Google it" when i question your stance. Why did you start the thread?
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] For someone who tried to school me minutes ago on slavery cannot surely claim that gay persecution is even comparable to during the trans alantic slave trade. Buddy, its believed over 90 million blacks died from the passages to and from africa alone. That doesn't even included the persecution our people faced one we got to our destinations. If you knew anything about what happened during those times you would not even dare to comparred to two. When have you ever heard of a homo hanging from a tree? Or a town of gays being wiped out because one of them was accused of rapping another persons daughter?JJ_Productions
In this post.
"Things that happened to my ancestors were worse then what is happening to homosexuals right now; therefore they do not deserve equal rights."
Alright i'm going to put you on the spot. Define to me what an "equal right" is.You do know you're on the internet right now?
[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"]I didnt try to edit your post I posted my message within the quotes and made a mess. And reportable? lol okay sure whatever... Anyways i'm done with this I don't understand how this turned into a topic about black history, I made this topic simply to address the card being played that black people should support homos when in fact we don't have to do no such thing. As for the effects of slavery, look that **** up your damn self that is a dicussion that one thread could not be able to maintain if you concerned about knowing You're the one saying you (as a black person) have faced more hardships than the gays are now, and that the hardships gays are facing is far less serious. 1.) You, have never faced the hardships the slaves did. You do not get to complain for their pain, you do not get to act as though you've had to go through that pain. 2.) The way you act as though discriminating against gays makes it very clear you've never faced real discrimination. 3.)If you were able to comprehend the discrimination blacks used to face, you might have some idea about why they'd be sympathetic about the discrimination against gays.[QUOTE="Nibroc420"]
Can you not post within my post?
I believe editing my post is still a reportable offense...Regardless, You are clearly unaffected by the discrimination you claim occurs, as you're unable to see how it relates to the discrimination homosexuals face on a regular basis.
If you didn't want to discuss this topic, and would simply like me to "Google it" when i question your stance. Why did you start the thread?Nibroc420
[QUOTE="JJ_Productions"]I didnt try to edit your post I posted my message within the quotes and made a mess. And reportable? lol okay sure whatever... Anyways i'm done with this I don't understand how this turned into a topic about black history, I made this topic simply to address the card being played that black people should support homos when in fact we don't have to do no such thing. As for the effects of slavery, look that **** up your damn self that is a dicussion that one thread could not be able to maintain if you concerned about knowing You're the one saying you (as a black person) have faced more hardships than the gays are now, and that the hardships gays are facing is far less serious. 1.) You, have never faced the hardships the slaves did. You do not get to complain for their pain, you do not get to act as though you've had to go through that pain. 2.) The way you act as though discriminating against gays makes it very clear you've never faced real discrimination. 3.)If you were able to comprehend the discrimination blacks used to face, you might have some idea about why they'd be sympathetic about the discrimination against gays. What? Buddy wtf is wrong with you this topic is about comparing a group of people being persecuted by color compared to a people persecuted by preference, I never once said anything about hardships. I am saying to two are uncompairable. I'm done with this topic can't be bothered correcting people[QUOTE="Nibroc420"]
Can you not post within my post?
I believe editing my post is still a reportable offense...Regardless, You are clearly unaffected by the discrimination you claim occurs, as you're unable to see how it relates to the discrimination homosexuals face on a regular basis.
If you didn't want to discuss this topic, and would simply like me to "Google it" when i question your stance. Why did you start the thread?Nibroc420
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] I didnt try to edit your post I posted my message within the quotes and made a mess. And reportable? lol okay sure whatever... Anyways i'm done with this I don't understand how this turned into a topic about black history, I made this topic simply to address the card being played that black people should support homos when in fact we don't have to do no such thing. As for the effects of slavery, look that **** up your damn self that is a dicussion that one thread could not be able to maintain if you concerned about knowingJJ_ProductionsYou're the one saying you (as a black person) have faced more hardships than the gays are now, and that the hardships gays are facing is far less serious. 1.) You, have never faced the hardships the slaves did. You do not get to complain for their pain, you do not get to act as though you've had to go through that pain. 2.) The way you act as though discriminating against gays makes it very clear you've never faced real discrimination. 3.)If you were able to comprehend the discrimination blacks used to face, you might have some idea about why they'd be sympathetic about the discrimination against gays. What? Buddy wtf is wrong with you this topic is about comparing a group of people being persecuted by color compared to a people persecuted by preference, I never once said anything about hardships. I am saying to two are uncompairable. I'm done with this topic can't be bothered correcting people Persecuted by colour compared to people persecuted on sexual orientation that is out of their control*.
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] I didnt try to edit your post I posted my message within the quotes and made a mess. And reportable? lol okay sure whatever... Anyways i'm done with this I don't understand how this turned into a topic about black history, I made this topic simply to address the card being played that black people should support homos when in fact we don't have to do no such thing. As for the effects of slavery, look that **** up your damn self that is a dicussion that one thread could not be able to maintain if you concerned about knowingYou're the one saying you (as a black person) have faced more hardships than the gays are now, and that the hardships gays are facing is far less serious. 1.) You, have never faced the hardships the slaves did. You do not get to complain for their pain, you do not get to act as though you've had to go through that pain. 2.) The way you act as though discriminating against gays makes it very clear you've never faced real discrimination. 3.)If you were able to comprehend the discrimination blacks used to face, you might have some idea about why they'd be sympathetic about the discrimination against gays. What? Buddy wtf is wrong with you this topic is about comparing a group of people being persecuted by color compared to a people persecuted by preference, I never once said anything about hardships. I am saying to two are uncompairable. I'm done with this topic can't be bothered correcting people you said that awhile ago but even though it's not the same reason it is comparable if you were part of the harships of blacks years ago and the women rights movement you would know what we're going through for the most part.but alas you don't understand and probably never willJJ_Productions
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] I didnt try to edit your post I posted my message within the quotes and made a mess. And reportable? lol okay sure whatever... Anyways i'm done with this I don't understand how this turned into a topic about black history, I made this topic simply to address the card being played that black people should support homos when in fact we don't have to do no such thing. As for the effects of slavery, look that **** up your damn self that is a dicussion that one thread could not be able to maintain if you concerned about knowingJJ_ProductionsYou're the one saying you (as a black person) have faced more hardships than the gays are now, and that the hardships gays are facing is far less serious. 1.) You, have never faced the hardships the slaves did. You do not get to complain for their pain, you do not get to act as though you've had to go through that pain. 2.) The way you act as though discriminating against gays makes it very clear you've never faced real discrimination. 3.)If you were able to comprehend the discrimination blacks used to face, you might have some idea about why they'd be sympathetic about the discrimination against gays. What? Buddy wtf is wrong with you this topic is about comparing a group of people being persecuted by color compared to a people persecuted by preference, I never once said anything about hardships. I am saying to two are uncompairable. I'm done with this topic can't be bothered correcting people Homosexuals do not choose who they are attracted to. If you walk into a club, and see a chick, but you're not attracted to her, can you consciously make yourself attracted? No. As such we can agree, attraction isn't a choice in the same sense that "Pick a number between 1 and 10" is a choice. Now that we have that covered, we can compare skin color(which cannot be chosen), to sexual preference (which cannot be chosen). Now, if you'd ever been discriminated in your life, for something you've got no control over, you'd have some sympathy for Gays. However, because you've never faced the hardships you claim you have (slavery, being taken from your "homeland", ect) you're unable to sympathize. So quit trying to make yourself out to be the victim. After years and years of trying, blacks finally get equal rights, and now, when gays want equality, you, as a black person, say it's nothing, and they should simply stop being gay Cause as you claim, it's just preference.
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