[QUOTE="dave123321"][QUOTE="entropyecho"]That's boardist. I was thinking more...forumist then boardist O_O...I was torn between the two. I made the wrong choice :xI've got OT Pride.
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[QUOTE="dave123321"][QUOTE="entropyecho"]That's boardist. I was thinking more...forumist then boardist O_O...I was torn between the two. I made the wrong choice :xI've got OT Pride.
[QUOTE="dave123321"][QUOTE="fmacraze"]really man? white effin pride? you guys have been effing with the world since time began. look at all the black slavery and crap. you people basically have effed the world, yet you still want more? Xx_Hopeless_xX*inserts palm onto face* *inserts face into desk* :P..
Welcome back Xx_Hopeless_xX, even though we don't agree on much it is good to see the competition rebound;) And on topic: *facepalms* Come on man....
*inserts face into desk* :P..[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"][QUOTE="dave123321"] *inserts palm onto face*Ultimas_Blade
Welcome back Xx_Hopeless_xX, even though we don't agree on much it is good to see the competition rebound;) And on topic: *facepalms* Come on man....
Thank you..also, *facedesk* :)That's boardist.[QUOTE="dave123321"][QUOTE="entropyecho"]
I've got OT Pride.
really man? OT ******* pride? you posters have been ******* with Gamespot since time began. look at all the System Wars slavery and crap. you posters basically have ****** the Gamespot, yet you still want more?
end thread.so much win
[QUOTE="JinjonatorX"]Being enslaved = something to be proud of, controlling the world (as some have said) =/= equal something to be proud of? I'm not trying to be racist, but by every definition of the word pride, that's completely backwards. Normally when someone is proud, it's because of someone good they've done. I've never heard someone say they were proud that terrible things happened to them. That said, the whole thing seems kind of silly. Everyone is their own person, and you should be more concerned with what you've accomplished, instead of looking at something someone else did, and acting like you're a part of it just because you look like them. It just...makes no sense. Ultimas_Blade
Overcoming slavery was what any 'pride' is about :| 'Controlling the world'? Well if you consider some of the gruesome death counts and general suffering that resulted from 'controlling the world' (or some significant part of it) there is nothing to be proud of unless of course you're some sort of masochist.
I'm pretty sure everyone who was actually enslaved is dead by now. I don't understand the purpose of being proud of something you didn't even do. You didn't overcome slavery. And there are good things as well as bad things that have come from white people (a statement so stupidly broad I can't believe I'm honestly being forced to say it). But of course, you can't be proud of that just because there were some bad things mixed in. But again, the whole thing is pointless, because it's basically treating entire races like a single entity. Some black people overcame slavery; some have lived wonderful carefree lives. Races are not collective hiveminds, and it's stupid to act like they are.I find it funny how some people paint every white person with the same brush. Seems kinda racist to blame an entire group of of people for these crimes. Especially considering that the majority of those in the group were poor, and had little influence on society.=V
The whites forced Africans into slavery.
When they came to North America, they stole the Native American's lands.
When they went to Mexico from where was it, Spain? What happened?
I'm no history expert, but the white race has done some.. some things, man.
Not to say the white race has never been wronged itself, but still.MuddVader
ITT: Skin heads = NAACP But please, tell me how having pride in one of the things that makes you you racist? I've always wondered that.[QUOTE="htekemerald"]
Black Pride, Latin Pride, Asian Pride, White Pride, Racial Pride, Ect, are all racist ideas.
There is no difference between skin head groups preaching white pride and the naacp preaching black pride. Its all racism.
Do I really need to tell you how putting your race in front of others makes you a racist?
oh snapz, he went there.Perhaps you'd be interested in joining the Ku Klux Klan, thread creator.
I find it funny how some people paint every white person with the same brush. Seems kinda racist to blame an entire group of of people for these crimes. Especially considering that the majority of those in the group were poor, and had little influence on society. But the people who made our government were the people who put the blacks into slavery, and slaughtered the Native Americans, and they still benefit (sort of, not so much in recent times =P) from what was gained by their negative actions.[QUOTE="MuddVader"]
The whites forced Africans into slavery.
When they came to North America, they stole the Native American's lands.
When they went to Mexico from where was it, Spain? What happened?
I'm no history expert, but the white race has done some.. some things, man.
Not to say the white race has never been wronged itself, but still.htekemerald
[QUOTE="cybrcatter"]But the white man already owns America. What other benefit do you need? Bloodaxe726
The president is a black man, as such, I can finally claim the man is keeping me down as a white man!
Nope, he's half white.
I find it funny how some people paint every white person with the same brush. Seems kinda racist to blame an entire group of of people for these crimes. Especially considering that the majority of those in the group were poor, and had little influence on society. But the people who made our government were the people who put the blacks into slavery, and slaughtered the Native Americans, and they still benefit (sort of, not so much in recent times =P) from what was gained by their negative actions.[QUOTE="htekemerald"]
The whites forced Africans into slavery.
When they came to North America, they stole the Native American's lands.
When they went to Mexico from where was it, Spain? What happened?
I'm no history expert, but the white race has done some.. some things, man.
Not to say the white race has never been wronged itself, but still.MuddVader
And my ancestors didn't do anything, but thanks for assuming they did because they were white.
and being of Irish heritage I can tell you my ancestors gained little from the actions of the upper cl@ss
[QUOTE="Ace6301"]I don't believe in any sort of racial pride. Celebrating your culture is all well and good but I just dislike any sort of racial pride, it just implies there is a difference somewhere. mattbbplI completely agree.
This exactly. Race doesn't exist biologically either so it really never made sense to me to be proud of it.
[QUOTE="cybrcatter"]But the white man already owns America. What other benefit do you need? Former_Slacker
The president is a black man, as such, I can finally claim the man is keeping me down as a white man!
Nope, he's half white.
so is a lot of black people.ITT: Skin heads = NAACP But please, tell me how having pride in one of the things that makes you you racist? I've always wondered that.[QUOTE="bigdcstile"]
Black Pride, Latin Pride, Asian Pride, White Pride, Racial Pride, Ect, are all racist ideas.
There is no difference between skin head groups preaching white pride and the naacp preaching black pride. Its all racism.
Do I really need to tell you how putting your race in front of others makes you a racist?
Again, taking pride in one of the things that've shaped your life, in one of the many aspects of your life (since we don't live in a post racial society, it does shape our experiences and our outlooks) is now, somehow, putting your race in front of others? How is my pride diminishing your own?[QUOTE="Former_Slacker"][QUOTE="Bloodaxe726"]
The president is a black man, as such, I can finally claim the man is keeping me down as a white man!
Nope, he's half white.
so is a lot of black people.So the 1 drop rule is still alive? After almost 2 centuries?
Looks like its race thread time, I guarantee for the next few days we will be seeing a lot more race threads.
The whites forced Africans into slavery.
No, Africans forced other Africans into slavery then sold them to Europeans for profit. Not to mention that it was better to be in slavery for an African then it was to live in Africa.
When they came to North America, they stole the Native American's lands.
Ever hear of Manifest Destiny? Europeans took what they wanted because they could. Native Americans couldn't keep them from taking their land, so it sucks for them... People have been taking land from others since the beginning of humankind.
When they went to Mexico from where was it, Spain? What happened?
Yes it was Spain, and the natives thought they were gods, so they gave them all of their gold, converted to their religion (forcefully), and became their slaves.
I'm no history expert, but the white race have done some.. some things, man.
Like asserting their dominance over the rest of the world? I mean Europeans have came out of several bad things, like the Bubonic Plague and The Potato Famine, yet still are extremely powerful.
Not to say the white race has never been wronged itself, but still.
Yeah kind of like all of the countless wars that Europeans fought against each other. You know, like the
Austro-Prussian War
Balkan Wars
battle of Blenheim
Battle of Britain
battle of Copenhagen
battle of Jutland
battle of Lepanto
battle of Malplaquet
battle of Navarino
battle of Ramillies
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Dunes
Battle of the Herrings
battle of the Marne
Battle of the Spurs
battle of Trafalgar
battle of Verdun
battles of Ypres
Cairo Conference
Casablanca Conference
Central Powers
Crimean War
Dutch Wars
Finnish-Russian War
Franco-Prussian War
French Revolutionary Wars
Hundred Years War
Moscow Conferences
Napoleonic Wars
Normandy campaign
Northern War
Peninsular War
Quebec Conference
revolutions of 1848
Seven Years War
Thirty Years War
War of Devolution
War of Jenkinss Ear
War of the Austrian Succession
War of the Grand Alliance
War of the Polish Succession
War of the Spanish Succession
Wars of Religion
Waterloo campaign
World War I
World War II
thats quite a few; they were pretty devastating too.
After I read that I realized that you meant other races wronging whites but I don't think I'm going to delete all of those wars.
Anyway, I don't think any race or nationality should be deprived of the ability to have pride in one's race. However, I don't think that their should be any parades about racial pride, because it's kind of like they are assuming their race is superior to everyone else's.
I find it funny how some people paint every white person with the same brush. Seems kinda racist to blame an entire group of of people for these crimes. Especially considering that the majority of those in the group were poor, and had little influence on societyhtekemerald
Yeah I agree, during the most recent time period he was talking about (18th century) only 1% of the French had the right to vote.
The whites forced Africans into slavery.
When they came to North America, they stole the Native American's lands.
When they went to Mexico from where was it, Spain? What happened?
I'm no history expert, but the white race has done some.. some things, man.
Not to say the white race has never been wronged itself, but still.MuddVader
I personally have never enslaved a black person, stolen land from any native people, or done anything to spain. Why should I be held responsible for what other people have done? It's the same as saying all black people steal things, because at some point somebody who was black stole somebody's bike, and now it's become a stereotype.
so is a lot of black people.[QUOTE="Fuhgeddabouditt"][QUOTE="Former_Slacker"]
Nope, he's half white.
So the 1 drop rule is still alive? After almost 2 centuries?
Sadly it is. But this isn't new, it's always been in effect even before Obama, but it's only disputed because he attained a high level of office. I hate to say it but, if there was a BOLO on someone fitting Obama's description, do you really think they'd say he was a half-black/half-white male or a black male?Ever since Obama was elected, whites have been oppressed by many people, including other whites. ChaoticThiefhmmm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woySeSNBL3o
Anyway, I don't think any race or nationality should be deprived of the ability to have pride in one's race. However, I don't think that their should be any parades about racial pride, because it's kind of like they are assuming their race is superior to everyone else's.ChampionoChumpsBasically.
White pride has a racist stigma on it. You can't openly be proud to white because society deems it unacceptable for obvious reasons, no matter how hypocritical it is, groups like the KKK and neo nazis don't help though. Although I feel many of the minority activist groups themselves spout off enough racism to rival some of the white supremacy groups.
[QUOTE="ChaoticThief"]FORGET THE GODDAM POST!!! I try to post one simple thing! Some of you may have read the thing, but just forget it. cybrcatterThere there tender one. I read your OP. This is great! :lol:
No, Africans forced other Africans into slavery then sold them to Europeans for profit. Not to mention that it was better to be in slavery for an African then it was to live in Africa.
Ever hear of Manifest Destiny? Europeans took what they wanted because they could. Native Americans couldn't keep them from taking their land, so it sucks for them... People have been taking land from others since the beginning of humankind.
Yes it was Spain, and the natives thought they were gods, so they gave them all of their gold, converted to their religion (forcefully), and became their slaves.
Like asserting their dominance over the rest of the world? I mean Europeans have came out of several bad things, like the Bubonic Plague and The Potato Famine, yet still are extremely powerful.
Yeah kind of like all of the countless wars that Europeans fought against each other. You know, like the
thats quite a few; they were pretty devastating too.
After I read that I realized that you meant other races wronging whites but I don't think I'm going to delete all of those wars.
This post makes me sad on the inside in so many ways. First off, you are wrong about it better being in slavery than in Africa.. so dead wrong. Even slaves in africa were treated well and after a while they were able to become an equal citizen in the community. So I don't know what you are talking about there.
Secondly taking lands from the indians "just because you could" is not really something I'd be proud of.
Thirdly Europe was allowed to evolve uninterrupted, unscathed for the most part, a luxury they did not allow the other areas of the world. All those struggles Europe overcame? Everyone else had them as well, except Europeans were another struggle on top of it and the worse of them all, they basically held the rest of the world back while they prospered.
I'm not sure what you are trying to prove by listing a bunch of wars Europeans fought with themselves.
Ever since Obama was elected, whites have been oppressed by many people. ChaoticThief
Ok... How have you been oppressed?
People of every race on the planet have enslaved others, conquered lands, and destroyed the cultures of enemies. Are white people that only ones who should have it held against them?thegerg
^Didn't read my other postI personally have never enslaved a black person, stolen land from any native people, or done anything to spain. Why should I be held responsible for what other people have done? It's the same as saying all black people steal things, because at some point somebody who was black stole somebody's bike, and now it's become a stereotype.
This post makes me sad on the inside in so many ways. First off, you are wrong about it better being in slavery than in Africa.. so dead wrong. Even slaves in africa were treated well and after a while they were able to become an equal citizen in the community. So I don't know what you are talking about there.
Secondly taking lands from the indians "just because you could" is not really something I'd be proud of.
Thirdly Europe was allowed to evolve interrupted, unscathed for the most part, a luxury they did not allow the other areas of the world. All those struggles Europe overcame? Everyone else had them as well, except Europeans were another struggle on top of it and the worse of them all, they basically held the rest of the world back while they prospered.
I'm not sure what you are trying to prove by listing a bunch of wars Europeans fought with themselves.
1. Frederick Douglass said it was and he was a primary source
2. The countries who took land in North America were mercantilstic governments. Therefore they were making profit off the territories they had, and with their policies this was the right thing to do.
3. 1/3 to 1/2 half of the European population died during the Bubonic plague, some cities had as high of an 85% fatality rate. Europeans had superior military then the rest of the world so it was their choice what to enforce.
4. I was trying to prove that they had their own hardships and turmoil; which a large percentage of people think that whites have had an easy slide throughout all of history.
You must understand, I never stated that I agreed with what they at the time believed, I am just backing up that they had the power to carry out whatever the hell they wanted.
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