china atking us with chairs get ur bean chairs and ab ballskemar7856
I think you might be onto something there. It would be a perfect attack..Seriously follow me on this...
China knows that some of the biggest jobs here in America are performed while in an office chair, bosses, all the people that work in cubicles, why most wouldn't even be safe in their own homes! This was probably just a prototype and they tested it on this boy, in short time they'll start shipping them here. We'll be so weighed down with our normal daily affairs that we won't take notice, we'll sit down in our office chair and before we know it our *** will be in our throats. America will be in disarray, those not initially killed in the first office chair onslaught will be forced into a nation wide musical chair scenario, many would find an alternative to the office chair but would become extremely paranoid thinking "What's next?? Is my beanbag chair actually an I.E.D. filled with ball bearings?", others would be left standing because of this paranoid thinking or simply because of the chair shortage causing servere cramping of the legs from prolonged standing. The nation would become split into two sectors "Chaired" and "Chairless". The country devided, the Chinese will have attained victory. We must strike first, hury, gather your office chairs, we're taking this fight to them!! Are you with me?!!
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