The ignorance in this thread is astounding. France is one of the most militarily successful nations on the planet, unlike the US which hasn't ever won a war on its own and has a terrible habbit of doing nothing until the last minute when they finally mop up.
Read number 5 for a bit of insight. Do any of you actually know whythe French had to surrender in WWII? I'll hazzard a guess at no.
I'd suggest some of you research a bit of history.
Its pretty comedic too.. If Great Britain was landlocked to Europe they would have been steam rolled by the Germans just like the French were..
France was ultimately defeated through their own arrogance and fatal tactical decisions. Hitler divided his army into 3 groups. one would appear to be attacking the Maginot line whose true purpose was to hold up as many allied soldiers as possible, Another would provide a distraction by violating the neutrality of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg and the third would move through the Ardennes Forest to the north of the Maginot line. The allies focused almost their entire force to holding the Maginot line and attacking the army group moving through Holland and Belgium which left the Army group passing through the Ardennes Forest almost completely unopposed. This was partly due to the belief that the Ardennes Forest would be impenetrable, which was clearly wrong as Hitler managed to get 50 Infantry and 7 Panzer tank divisions through and stormed France over a completely unprotected border. After being totally surrounded the French had very little choice but to surrender or face massive casualties in an un-winnable battle and the rest of the allies and the BEF retreated to Dunkirk and then back to Britain.
If Hitler didn't halt the advance just kilometres short of Dunkirk then he could have easily wiped out the entire British Expeditionary Force cornered there but for whatever reason he let about 338,000 soldiers escape. If they had been wiped out then the British would most likely have been defeated fairly quickly. Which would have left Germany free to invade Russia with only one front opened. Hitler may have also succeeded in convincing Japan to attack Russia at the same time and if the result was Russian defeat then the USA would have been in a position where it faced the full force of Germany and Japan with very few allies left to help.
While I don't believe arrogance had anything to do with it, this just furthers our point that they didn't surrender just for the hell of it. They were completely surrounded and because of the allies' tactical mistakes and the Germans' clever foresight, large areas of the country were poorly defended. Had they fought on instead of surrendering, they would have lost and more people would have died - that's all.
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