[QUOTE="T_P_O"] Obviously because they don't have the same political philosophy. It's nothing deeper than that, probably.Chrypt22
First, our government has seized control over companies during the bail out and has put our nation in severe debt. Youngstown & Tube Company v. Sawyer.
"Nowhere in the Constitution is the Executive granted the right to seize power." AND "Congress has not granted the President to take posession of property, and the Constitution does not grant the President to take posession of such property." Obama put the rights of the UAW, the unsecured stakeholders ahead of the bond holders who's rights are legally secured. Another example of this is the current bill in congress in regards to the Financial Industry which allows the president to seize control of any complany it deems nessecary at the expense of the taxpayer. Flat out un-Constitutional.
Another Example.
Bill of Attainder" - this in an act that can single out an individual or group for punishment without trial. Who does this?? presidential appointed czar Feinberg.
.............The government also bailed out numerous businesses under Bush, they also put forward the Patriot Act which violated the Constuttion with things like illegal wire tapping..
Another Example... and this one is easy.
The health care program which is a government mandate, and several states are challenging it because it violates state rights as well. The Constitution does not permit the government to force people into a public or private contract to buy a good or service, and by not doing so there are severe tax penalties. Its ridiculous and unprecedented.
Social security? Our taxes pay for numerous social programs.. So yes you are buying into it.
There are more examples with other crap our governments trying to pull... but I think this more than proves my point.
............. No no it doesn't.. Both sides are guilty in multiple ways of doing this.. And this isn't the first time we had government supposedly interfereing with business.. Perhapes you should look at the late 1800s and early 1900s?
I never said that Republicans are perfect, the governments failure to communicate on both sides has resulted in the mess we are in right now. Do me a favor... look up who started dipping into the Social Security program to pay for other crap... I'll save you some research... It was the left. Which party started Social Security?? FDR, and he was a democrat... which party started taxing Social Security Annuities... The Left. I can go on and on..
Yes, Republicans are not perfect either and both sides have done some crappy things. However, when I look at the principles of what our country was founded on.
- Constitutional adherence
-Fiscal Responsibility
-Limited Government
- Virtue and Responsibility
-Free Markets
It is mainly the Right that aligns with these principles. When I say right I know I am going to be labled a Republican. I am not. The failures of both parties has put us in a mire almost impossible to get out of. Though when I look at the ideals of the Democrat run congress and the Obama Administration I want to vomit.
Here is what makes me... and should you... sick.
"Peter Orszag, Barack Obama's budget director, resigned this week partly in frustration over his lack of success in persuading the Obama administration to tackle the fiscal deficit more aggressively, according to sources inside and outside the White House.
Mr Orszag, whose publicly stated reasons for leaving were that he was exhausted after years in high pressure jobs and also that he wanted to plan for his wedding in September, is seen as the guardian of fiscal conservatism within the White House.
If a $1.5 Trillion deficit is "fiscal conservatism", what can we expect with Summers running the show?
Other members of Mr Obama's economic team, notably Lawrence Summers, the head of the National Economic Council, have placed more emphasis on the need for continued short-term spending increases to counteract what increasingly looks like an anaemic economic recovery in the US. "
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