I was watching Richard Dawkin's "The Genius of Charles Darwin" when I suddenly had what could almost be called an epiphany, of the perfect way to explain how evolution works.
Take a letter from the alphabet at random... in fact, take every letter, and write each one down a hundred times... a hundred hundred times... more... Now, next to each of those letters, choose another letter at complete random... and write that letter next to it. Now, for each of those pairs of letters, write the same pair out again a million times, then maybe add another letter at random next to one of them... or remove a letter... or even leave them all the same for one round. Scrap the ones that don't make sense phonetically. Once in a while use a dictionary from a different latin language, 'killing' any words that don't make sense in the new language. Repeat this a few trillion times, and eventually... you'll have words, single letters, phrases, or perhaps... even something as complex and obviously intelligently designed :roll: as a book. You'll have words that started as a W, and now don't even have a W in them, or sentances that suddenly came about in only a few 'generations'. You'll have countless trillions of garbled words that 'died out', or stagnated and were unable to adapt to the sudden pressures of a new vocabulary.
Just because something is complex, doesn't mean it had to be designed.
Please help me in finding ways to improve this metaphor, help me find errors or strong points, because I honestly think this is the best metaphorical explanation of evolution and natural selection that I have ever seen.
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