[QUOTE="Blood-Scribe"][QUOTE="MetalGear_Ninty"] Â
No, not really.
If you don't believe in God, surely you believe him not to exist. Excluding babies, young children and such, if you do not believe in God, it is likely you derive this from some sort of reasoning, thus for you not to believe in God, you must have some sort of belief in his existence/non-existence.
In all most all cases: I do not believe X exists = I believe that X does not exist.
I contend that people in this forum like to label themselves as 'weak atheists' if that truly means anything at all.
Your lack of belief is an active process, but you're trying to deny it.
No, that is merely an interpretive assumption regarding how it is that people express their beliefs or lack there of.
Take me for example, I don't have any beliefs that I currently know of since when I discarded my original beliefs a few years ago, and I maintain that it's possible that I will believe in something at some point, but I still regard it as highly unlikely. By your standards, it would mean that I believe in everything and nothing, since I am apparently supposed to have something there to fill in an apparent gap.
But in this case, you're basically just misconstruing the idea that someone doesn't have a reason to believe in something, and making it as though they have a reason to believe that this something doesn't exist. It's not the same thing. Not believing in god essentially means that you don't have a reason to believe in him, which would imply that you accept the possibility, but you don't accept it as truth since you haven't found any reason to do so.
Believing there is no god, on the other hand, implies that you have a certain reason to assert that this being does not exist, and it entails that you pretty much deny even the possibility, given its strict wording. There is a difference, and it's not the same process.
Since when did belief equate to certainty, or 'denying possibility'. So by your logic, it would be false if I said about you: 'You believe that flying spaghetti monsters don't exist' The fact that there is no evidence, would be your reason to believe that it did not exist. You have a definton of God, you don't believe that it exists, thus you must believe it not to exist. Believing doesn't mean you have evidence or certainty, but it is what you believe to be true.The reasons derived from believing are essentially what imply that certainty or denying/accepting a possibility is entailed.
And actually yes, it would be false, because I'd would say that evidence is interpretive enough to the point where I could say that the fact that pirates exist is evidence that the flying spaghetti monster exists. People interpret what they perceive to be evidence in many different ways, hence you've got people saying that the world is too perfect for there not to be a creator, yet you have people saying that the world is so ****ed up to the point where no God would want to create such a place, and other such related examples regarding the world in general. But whatever the case may be, I simply don't take a stance on it, while only saying what I think to be likely of it, which is probably fallible. Hence I don't have beliefs either way, at least as far as I know, since I don't claim to know everything about me, so there's probably plenty of stuff that I don't know about myself, some of which may entail beliefs.
The reason why I don't even bother with having beliefs is because they are derived from human-perceived definitions which may very well vary from person to person, so there's nothing to say that my interpretation and definition of God is the one true God, and that it would effectively mean that I ought to say that it does or does not exist. I may have my views on the subject, but I don't see the point in taking them so far as to say that I believe or don't believe in one way another. And I just flat out don't care since I don't see how it would have any immediate bearing on my life. And as far as I'm concerned, you would need some sort of degree of certainty in order to maintain a belief, otherwise the conviction of such a stance would be so strong as to say that you can even believe in something by very definition of the word.
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