[QUOTE="AnObscureName"] It has bothered me for a while, especially involving education. The media uses this word whenever a school or university refuses to accept people below a certain standard. I have no idea how this is meant to do anything. Isn't that the point? To give the moe intelligent a better enviroment to work in and cleverer peers with which to work?
I am actually on of those people that supports the idea that in an election some people's votes should count for more than others.
Shouldn't a person with a degree in economics or in politics or who knows something about how a country is run have more say in the running than say a brick-layer who left school at 16 with no qualifications?
absolutly not. this idea has bothered me for a while now, do you really think because money bought your education that you are more intelligent than someone? do you really think that? i hate to burst the tiny bubble around your head but most of what they teach you in this "education system" is what they want you to hear, so you can become a better worker for them. you allow yourself to become so sheltered and pretentious that you actually shut your brain off to everything else that wasn't taught to you. ill give you a little advice, intelligence comes from within, not from the knowledge that you had to pay for.
what do we get from these "highly education" types? better liars, thats what.
so thanks but no thanks, ill take the brick layer.
This, coming from the guy who is probably still in high school.
The high school system is obviously flawed but as far as higher education, you're very wrong.
College is one of the most enlightening and intellectually stimulating times in a person's life. There are certain kinds of intelligence that come from within and the world around you, but that sort of thing doesn't teach you things you know absolutely nothing about.
And you're obviously mistaken that you can simply "buy your degree".
Yes, money is needed; but so are years of fiery hoops for you to jump through.
You think this **** is easy?
Rack up a PHD and I'll be impressed, since its so easy, ya know?
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