Can't help you, all I ever played with were microscopes, telescopes, computers and those electronic sets where you could like build your own lie detector or make a crystal radio and such. Legos were too limiting for me.
I should also add we didn't have electic or motor-driven legos when I was growing up (1980's), we just had the basic five or six types of blocks that came in a bucket.
how on earth are Legos limiting? They not only allow you to express your creativity, but indulge in it by giving you a product created by yourself to play with.
Because back in the day, legos didn't have programmable motors or anything. They were just like any other building block: you built something and looked at it, because it did nothing. That's what I hated about toys as a child. I'd watch the Transformers cartoon (the original) and I asked for a Transformer, probably the only toy I ever asked for. When I got it I couldn't figure out what to do with it. I have a robot...I can make him bounce around and pretend he's saying something, but he's not. I can transform it into a truck. I can act like it's moving around and making noises but it's not.
I prefered to play with things that did things, like computer games or electronic sets that I could make different WORKING things out of. I understand legos are very different today than they were back then, but back then they weren't anything special....just chunks of plastic that you stick together.
Hell, by the age of 10 I was writing programs on the C64, stuff like musical keyboards (with graphics), roman numeral converters, hell I even tried making some basic games (with varying degress of success). Legos sucked.
hmmm when I built something with legos, I would play with them.
I'd build jet fighters and bombers, then build an army (I think we were in the Gulf War I at the time), and would blow the hell out of Saddam! Then I'd build a fortress and weather an attack! KaBOOOOOM! Crash! BOOM! SHAZAM!
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