[QUOTE="RushKing"] Yeah, let's beat on the poor and say it's all their fault.iHarlequin
Hooray for made up statements. Let me try. You are a Pol Pot mass murderer wannabee. See how that works?
Instead of throwing out random statements, why don't you try to actually make an argument?
Starting with either the economic principles that lead to capitalism beating on the poor...or a description of the outcomes which you believe to be evidence of your proposition.
I'll start with the latter topic since you seem ill equipped to deal with the former, with two of my own simple outcome based propositions.
1. The poor under modern capitalist societies are vastly better off now than they were before (either pre or early capitalism).
2. The poor under modern capitalist societies are vastly better off than the poor in any other society in this age that is not capitalist.
No, they aren't. Unless by modern capitalist society you mean the twelve or fifteen countries comprised of Canada and a few of Western European countries, and even then, it's not something sure. You may argue that the USSR was a dictatorship, but the nations that were a part of it experienced a leap in quality of life that capitalism could never hope to provide. The difference Lenin and the Communist party made in twenty or so years in Russia was massive - they went from a Monarchic capitalism (a capitalism nonetheless) where the vast majority of the population lived in sub-human conditions to one of the greatest superpowers in the late 40's, with better wealth distribution and public systems (healthcare, education, work) than before. Unfortunately, corruption happened, Stalin happened (I'm not a fan of alternate history (other than for Science fiction), but had Leon Trotsky prevailed along with Lenin's ideals, the world as we know it would be considerably different), and the ideals of the nation were corrupted.
Tito's Yugoslavia, and all the other nations that took independent roads to communism, had better QoL projections than many developed (capitalist) countries have today. Unfortunately, capitalism's 'fantastic plastic' is much more appealing than ideals and concepts.
LMAO. The USSR as a socialist paradise. Priceless. Tito's Yugoslavia as a model for quality of life. Beyond the pale. Lenin and Trotsky's ideals :) :):lol:
Come back when you are actually able to articulate something/anything about the actual economic principles of communism.
In the meantime, your challenge is to explain why the poor in the Soviet Union literally starved to death in the early 30s whereas at that time in the US the poor relied on publicly funded soup kitchens? The fact that you are lauding the murder of millions of people and displacement of millions more under the guise of quality of life is laughable.
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