HOLY CRAP Street sharks. I LOVED THAT SHOW. it was like
street sharks (i used to have the action figures/ dolls whatever they were i dont remember XP)
the old school teenage mutant ninja turtles of the 90's,
street sharks
spider man (the newer one but not the newest one if that makes any sense :P)
power rangers (dude i love watching it now especially the new ones cause they are funnier than comedies sometimes
pokemon (before they tried to make it so crazy... basically the red, blue and yellow versions era)
digimon season 1 and 2
random assortment of nick shows like rugrats, old spongebob before 2005, older fairly oddparents, basically some early 2000's shows, and some later nineties shows that i cant recall but am sure would like to watch for at least one episode
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