Should anyone really be surprised by this?
I will choose to not take either side on this topic, for both sides are exhibiting the ugliness of our country; I will hold Trump accountable for all this violence, no matter which side is being a bigger problem.
It is Trump's fault, 100%. If it was not for Trump, violent protests like this would not be taking place, and that's the truth.
Why? Up until now, Trump has been using his rallies as a template to kicking up controversy. He was setting himself up by kicking hornets nest. Now consequentially protesters finally decided to retaliate when he's made frequent gestures expressing his desire to commit physical harm against protesters at his rallies, and supports his supporters in physical conduct against said protesters.
Anyone who thinks the protesters are not in the right to defy his right for free speech, consider he's already been doing it for months, consistently ejecting people from his rallies and often times the protesters were getting the lower end of the stick with psychical treatment and threats.
His prejudiced rhetoric is just one of many major assets why this happened, but it's his provoking words that ultimately inspired mass protesters to retaliate, and Trump is due for an unwelcome realization now that he's not nearly as liked by the country as he thinks he is.
He states endlessly in media how he has poll numbers and ethnic supporters all while the majority of the population have been crying fowl that that's far from the truth.
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