How could they possibly be masculine when the average penis size in China is only 4.29 inches?
Which isn't that far off the global average. And doesn't really seem to be slowing them down......whats the population up to 1B or something? I think their IQ being higher than anyone else no matter what country they go to, especially the White ones, is a more important average.
I totally agree. We need to stop feminizing our men. I mean, look at that pansy FDR! Yes this is an actual picture of FDR in a dress when he was just a little boy!
The audacity! The inconceivable! No wonder we lost against the intense masculinity of Nazi Germany. Obviously we should do something because masculinity is a very fragile thing and feminism is taking over because it's stronger! The horror!
On a serious note, some of the posts here are laughable. You post a picture of a feminized man and cry out "OH MAH GAWD" while posting pictures of past men, nevermind that some of the norms back then would be considered "feminine." Masculinity isn't threatened and is and always will be changing. The same with femininity. For several feminized man of any period, you have men who work, take care of their children, and so on. And even then, it's a much more nuanced depiction of what a man is. For example, men back then shopped for groceries. Spartan men slept with Spartan boys. Scottish men wear kilts. Men back then held hands and sometimes slept in the same bed. This list can go on.
I do agree that we should promote positive examples of masculinity such as service to your country, providing for your family and so on.
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