Not that I care about celebrity bullshit but exceptions exists and this is pretty great.
For those that are not aware, Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. Footage below:
So basically Chris Rock made fun of Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, Jada's husband, slapped him then yelled at him.
Of course, the responses have been great.
"Toxic masculinity at its worst"
"He could have killed him"
And so on and so forth. Anyway, what do you guys think.
Me personally I think Will Smith made a pretty big mistake, that's just not something you do in normal life, much less to a fellow celebrity in front of millions of people. Apparently Jada suffers from alopecia which made the joke about GI Jane, a movie in which Demi Moore shaves her head, maybe a bit too close to home. But FFS it was a bald joke, c'mon.
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