The story. 'The remote patch of desert surrounding Groom Lake was chosen because it was adjacent to a nuclear testing facility. 'The U-2 was absolutely top secret,' Chris Pocock, a British defence journalist and author of histories of the programme, told the BBC. 'They had to hide everything about it.'' Then: 'It notes that testing of the U-2 plane in the 1950s - at altitudes much higher than commercial aeroplanes then flew - provoked 'a tremendous increase in reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)'. 'At this time, no one believed manned flight was possible above 60,000 feet, so no one expected to see an object so high in the sky,' note authors Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach.' Interesting... And from another source, The Telegraph also has a story on the subject. 'Documents released by the CIA also reveal that there really have been some strange occurrences at the secret airbase however, they are not quite as exciting as UFO hunters would like.'
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